16th October 2017

79 7 7

Dear Phil,

Every time I send an email, I have the faintest hope that you'll reply. Dumb, I know. Then my hope gets crushed, until I write another email. Then the cycle starts all over again. It's been over 2 months. I haven't heard anything from you.

I called PJ yesterday. I thought it would be good to catch up seeing as I haven't really spoken to any one for the past 2 months, apart from my mum, which is pretty sad. I asked him if he'd heard from you. He said that you'd spoken to him recently. At least I now know that you're alive. PJ said that you were doing well and that you're living with your parents at the moment. I'm glad that you're doing well Phil, I really am. I just wish you were doing well, with me. PJ also said that you'd spoken about what happened between us. PJ told me that he wasn't going to pick sides until he heard both sides of the story, but I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't. I didn't want to relive everything. He said that he understood and that I should take my own time. But honestly, I'll probably never tell a soul what happened between us. They wouldn't understand. Only the both of us understand. PJ had to go after a while if talking. I made sure that he'd check up on you every once in a while, to make sure that you're doing okay.

It's good to know that you're doing fine. It's good to know that your life is better off without me. So maybe I should just stay out of it.

Goodbye Phil...


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