Chapter 25

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“They are sickeningly cute together,” I mutter to George as Fred steals Georgiana's quill and dangles it out of her reach.

“It's almost disgusting how cute they are,” George agrees, “it's not even been two weeks, though. Give it time, they'll become old and bitter like we are.”

I grin at him and give his hand a squeeze. Ever since we made up he hardly lets go of my hand. If he's not holding my hand he has an arm around my waist or shoulders. In class he sits with his leg pressed against mine. I think it has a little to do with Lucas.

“Oi, you lot!” Oliver appears through the portrait hole and climbs into the Gryffindors' common room, “why aren't you in bed?”

“Relax, Oliver,” Fred says casually, “it's early yet.”

“Bed. Now!” Oliver snaps, “we have the biggest match of the season tomorrow! I don't want any of you falling asleep!”

Angelina and Alicia shoot each other an exasperated look and begin packing up.

“Well, I guess we'd better go,” George says, “you're going to the game, right?”

“Yeah, someone has to cheer for Slytherin,” I tease. I kiss George lightly.

“Go on,” I say, “sleep well.”

“Night,” he says, following his brother upstairs. Georgiana floats over to me, a love struck smile on her face.

“Let's get you to bed,” I laugh, shouldering my bag and heading out of the common room.

“He's wonderful,” Georgiana says, following me along the corridor, “isn't he?”

“Yeah, it's all roses and sunshine,” I say, “you're not in constant danger of eating him if he kisses you.”

“Mmm, I'm glad I'm not you,” she says, “must be hard being a vam-”

“Shh!” I hiss, “don't say that word.”

“Why?” she laughs, “you've managed to keep it a secret so far.”

“Yeah, by being careful,” I point out, “not by yelling it through the halls.”

“No one is around to hear,” she says, “I can't believe you kept being a vampire secret all this- shit.”

I look up and see Lucas descending the stairs in front of us. He's frozen, staring at me. He definitely heard.

“I'm sorry!” Georgiana says again, “I didn't notice him!”

“It's done,” I snap, “there's nothing we can do about it.”

We walk into breakfast and I look right over at Lucas. He's staring at me. None of the other boys seem bothered. Maybe he hasn't told them. I walk over and sit down by George. He's dressed in his Quidditch kit and is looking nervous. My stomach is so knotted, I know exactly how he's feeling. I take his hand and give it a squeeze. He squeezes back and shoots me a small smile.

“Aurelia?” Lucas taps me on the shoulder, “can... Can I have a word?”

I nod, my mouth dry. I follow him out of the Hall. He looks at me apprehensively.

“Is it true?” he asks, “are you really a... A vampire?”

I look at him and I know he knows I am, he just wants me to admit it.

“Yeah,” I sigh, “yeah, it's true.”

He lets out a long breath.

“Wow,” he says, “didn't see that coming.”

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