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I awoke to Zayn standing next to my I suppose bed. "Wha..." I was cut off by Zayn "You fainted and fell down the stairs I think you were just excited but we have decorated you room and Niall has been out shopping and got you some new clothes and they are in your wardrobe, oh and you need to be downstairs in 10 minutes because Harry has cooked meatballs for tea,ok." I nodded my head and checked out my room, it was massive and had 2 fluorescent green walls and two bright pink walls. My name was stuck on the wall with diamond stickers and next to them was a door. I assumed it was just storage but actually it was an amazing walk in closet filled with heaps of clothes. Quickly I stripped and put on some new clothes and after continued my own tour. Next to the closet was another door, which I opened and it was a on suite bathroom with a hot tub and shower and bath and in the corner a vanity and obviously a toilet with a diamond seat. My mouth dropped and in walked Niall "shut your mouth or you'll catch flies" he giggled, I did as I was told. He handed me a laptop with an apple iPad on top and above that was an apple iPhone too!5 generation! I took it and hugged Niall as tight as I could. "Your welcome! Anyway,now you have seen your room it's time for tea." We walked down stairs and into the dining room, the smell was delicious and I instantly licked my lips, rubbed my tummy and sat down. While we were eating Liam asked when do I want to go to school I just said the simple 'Whenever's possible', said thankyou and left the table.

*1 week after*

"Are you ready for school Molly?" Louis shouted up the stairs. I shouted back "yes" and ran down the stairs. I had my new uniform on and my new 'girls are great' backpack on. "Are you ok to walk by yourself because you know the way from Harry's tour around town?" said Niall. I nodded and said bye to the boys.


So how did ya like that then! Did you like Boobear1xx's inspiration? Yes, I know it was short but as I say I don't do long chapters. As you know she is now off to school so she is going to be meeting some new friends!
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