Twenty Two

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Molly's POV

**7 months later**

My tummy started having sharp pains. It was worrying me. I went up to Toby's room and on the way I felt wet. My waters just broke, I was in the middle of the stairs. "Help" I cried and then Lily, Callum, Toby and Kirsten rushed out of their rooms. "My waters broke, what time is it?" I sobbed and Lily told me it was 4.30 am while Callum rung an ambulance. "Do you think me and Casy will deliver at the same time?" I smiled. Casy was taken in to hospital 10 hours ago around tea time when she went into labour. Lily nodded and Toby squeezed my hand.

***at the hospital***

Lily ran into my hospital room saying that Casy was 5 centimetres dilated and would be ready to push in around an hour. I smiled and a doctor told me I was nearly 3 centimetres dilated. My labour hadn't hurt yet but poor Casy has had a slow labour and is in a lot of pain. Shortly after a horrible jab reached my lower stomach and I screamed out in pain "what's happened are you ok?" Toby asked frantically.

"I wanna push" I screamed. Lily ran to get a nurse. The nurse told me I was 7cm and a only a few more minutes to wait. I was in agony. Kirsten was in the same room as Casy 8 doors up from me. A phone call came through on Callum's iPhone. "Hi" he said and went through the convo.

"guess what? Casy is pushing!" He laughed. The nurse heard and told me i could push. I was only allowed two people in the room so I said Lily and Toby so Callum went to see Casy. I gave one big push and breathed with the gas and air. "Ahhhhh" I screamed and the midwife said she could see a head. I gave two more pushes.

"One more! You're doing great!" She said. After one more push screams of my baby filled the room. "It's a boy!" Toby shouted! I was so happy

"Can I hold him?" I asked and the doctor passed him over. Lily sat on the side of the bed and Toby snuggled up next to me peering at our baby boy. "Watcha gunna call him?" Lily asked excitedly. I turned to Toby and smiled, then answered "Max" it was the best day of my life.

Casy's POV

I was told to push one more time so I put my heart and soul into this push. "Ahhhuhh!!!"

The doctor lifted the baby out of me. I smiled and then I realised there wasn't any cries "what happened?" I asked crying. Kirsten hugged me. What's happened to my little girl. I found out the gender on my 20 week scan. No one answered. I cried and cried and watched my childs every move. A midwife took her out of the room. "What's happening?" Kirsten asked for me.

"Your baby is 3 weeks premature which seems to be causing a problem. It's not really that early but the babies heart beat is slow working. It will be sorted after the special baby CPR and she will be yours in 5 minutes!" The woman smiled. She already is mine. During these past months I decided that Josh will be the dad to Poppy. We've named her Poppy. I discovered my love for Josh when I started bleeding over the baby. My period occurred during my pregnancy and Josh was there for me and he told me he loved me and he's my boyfriend now. I'm so happy. A few minutes later the nurse brought my baby back and placed her in my arms. "Welcome to the world Poppy May!" Josh said. We all smiled.

***At home***

Molly's POV

Me and Casy were on the sofa staring at our babies. "Poppy is Shane's. You can see both their noses are similar," Casy said pointing at her baby and then at mine. Max gurgled so I picked him up. "See, in that bassinette there." I said babyishly pointing at Poppy. "That's your biological sister, Poppy, isn't that cool, you have a sister." Max didn't understand. Me and Casy just laughed. Poppy woke up. Casy started playing with Poppy's hands. Her face went blank. "Why is her face going blue." Casy asked worriedly. I didn't know so I put Maxy in his cot and went to ring an ambulance. "Hi, my friends baby was born yesterday and she's turning blue, our address is Little Lavender, hope road, London. Come quickly thank you." I said into the phone. Casy was crying. I  hope it's nothing serious.


Next chapter will turn on the waterworks ☹️
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