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Molly's POV

I returned home taking in what was going on before my eyes.'re wondering what I mean...For starters James and Kirsten are eating each others faces off on the sofa and Lauren and Ella are playing tic Tac toe and my house and it 8pm. Long story short I get home from my evening run and two people are kissing and two people who shouldn't be here! Let's investigate "Um hi guys what's going on?" I slowly said. "Oh hello Molly we have moved in, we meaning Lauren and..." I cut Ella off quite well knowing what she meant. "ok well i just wanted to say we are all meeting Maddie and Arianna at Pizza Hut in half an hour. Go get ready!" I shouted half way up the long winded stairs. "Yay I love Pizza Hut wahoo!" I heard Lauren shout at the top of her lungs. Kirsten and James didn't even look up, too engrossed in some love life, hang on wait... Kirsten is with jack right? Oh well. I dressed in a grey and pink striped dress with a silver 'very expensive' necklace and grey vans. For my make up I put on smokey eye and navy eye shadow, light mascara, pink lipstick and to top it off star earrings. After a few minutes of waiting for everyone-mostly James and Kirsten, I shouted up the stairs "Are we all ready." I received a reply of many Yes' and hang ons and then everyone thundered down the stairs bundling at my feet at the bottom. Rumour and Katy were just Sooo cute in Callum's arms. They are 6 months old now and Rumour has started to crawl, its really cute! He is dressed almost matching to Callum but he isn't wearing a tie like his daddy. Katy has a pink frilly dress on and a bandana saying 'Katy' on it. Everyone left off down the road to Pizza Hut, it's a good job it's close because none of us can drive, mind you Callum is 16 in 4 months. Maddie and Arianna were already at Pizza Hut waiting for us. Maddie was standing at the door dancing around like a mad woman, probably sugar rush. "guess what guess what guess WHAT!" She screamed.

"What" everyone spoke in unison.

"Mum is having a baby I'm gonna be a big sister!!!!" again she shouted. "oh wow congratulations. that's great." I said. I went indoors to find Arianna, she was tucked away in the corner behind a beam. What, she's crying. "what's wrong" I said and sat down opposite her. "I assume Maddie has told you about this baby, it's quite clear that once it's born everyone will be so happy that there's someone new and not the same old boring twins and we'll just be dumped in the corner with nothing." She mumbled through tears. "That's what your doing now. Sitting in a corner with nothing. Please don't think like that. Of course everyone's going to still love you but a baby is a big deal and you won't get as much attention. I want you to be happy your a big sister, come on let's sit outside with the others." I persuaded.

"Ok" she muffled and followed me outdoors.

Soon the yummy pizza came and we all sat down to eat. Yum!


Sorry that I haven't updated guys but I have been trying to update. I keep losing my works and finally I've been able to give this to you. hopefully it's a little longer than the other chapters, hope you liked it!
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