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We walked back to my house to see the boys. Once we got there I gave them a quick tour of downstairs and then made them introduce themselves. "Ok boys, so this is Josh,Jack,Arianna,Lauren,Ella,Finleyand Maddie." I said as I pointed at them all. I knew that they knew all the boys so I didn't bother introducing them. "Well hello boys and girls!" The boys said in unison. "I love one direction!" Ella blurted out. Lauren and Maddie agreed and the 3 boys just laughed. We ran upstairs to my room and swapped numbers and just chatted and had a laugh until Finley said really out of the blue "Molly, I know I've only known you for a day but seriously I'm in love with you, deeply. I want to go out with you and be happy with you." Josh and Jack were in hysterics and so were the girls. "Um, well I feel quite awkward but if that's what you want I'll go out with you!" I muttered. Ella through her arms around me and said "good luck!"

"LOL!" shouted Josh! "Oh my you haven't had the best girl record but mines a beauty!" I blushed. Soon they had to go but I didn't get grumpy because it was 9 on a school night. Finley texted me 5 minutes after they had all left. 'Hey,maybe you could come to mine sometime after school?' I bizzarly winked at the screen and put a heart face. Jack then texted me saying 'Finley is so lucky to have you because I wanna girlfriend and your amazing!' I texted back 'your amazing too and you'll find someone soon :)' then Finley sent me 'If Jack tries to steal you just reject it.' I fell into a deep sleep ready for my next amazing day at school.


Heeeee! The twist is Finley and Molly start going out! So do you like it or should they break up? All these guys in this story are real except Molly and my real name is Lauren and my best friend is Ella so that's why I made us sisters! I have done 4 chapters this weekend so I hope you enjoy catching up!
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