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I remember the first time I learned how to ride a bike with my dad. It was on an afternoon, we were only together enjoying this father-daughter relationship.

I remember my mom celebrating my birthday with me and my friends, trying to make me the happiest girl alive.

I remember being in a new school where nobody knew me, when I had to make new friends on my own. When I had to decide what kind of future I wanted, what I would like to become.

I remember leaving my parents for a new adventure, trying to find something I love even if it means being far away from them.

I remember that day when I met him, I guess I didn't know that he would mean so much to me now. But this is real, he's all I have right now. And I might lose him, I might lose everything.

Pieces of my life are flashing before my eyes now that I know that I'm probably going to die. So, this is how it feels. This feeling people have told you about, seing everything you have achieved in your life right before your eyes. I wasn't ready to experience this but I guess I have no choice.

Jude is holding the gun against my temple and I'm sweating like I've never did before, I might die from a heart attack. My whole body is shaking against his, actually he is as nervous as I am and it makes me even more scarred. I know what he's going to do but I don't know when.

The room is silent but the air is so heavy, I'm suffocating.

Zayn looks at me, tears in his eyes as he is completely helpless. The pain that I'm feeling at this moment is ineffable. I'm so close to him but so far away at the same time. I would give anything to run into his arms and leave this place. I can see it in his eyes, he is suffering, more than I am.

It feels like I don't need to say a word to him to tell him what I feel. We know it, deeply, truly. And it kinda conforts me somehow, at least he will know that I love him. I'll die at peace.

Angelo remains more serious and dramatic, keeping an eye on Jude all the time. He puts his gun down as he said but it feels like his eyes could kill too. The only thing I want is to save him and Zayn, I don't want them to die for me, anyway this is probably too late.

Zayn's hand is shaking as he releases his gun and fills up his chest, he breathes deeply, the sound of his breathing appeases me somehow. I can't take my eyes off of him as he is probably the last thing I'll be able to see.

There are so many things that I'd like to tell him but I just can't, I'm just looking at him, my eyes filled up with tears too. I'm devastated.

"Great," Jude nods slowly, still holding my body tight, "now I advise you not to do something stupid or I'll pull the trigger, get it ?"

Both men remain silent, looking at him scornfully. Everything is so intense I might lose consciousness as my lungs are getting tighter.

"I said did you get it ?!" Jude shouts impatiently.

"Yes, we do." Angelo finally says, not really convinced and clearly pissed off. I'm praying for him, for us. I'm praying someone hears me somewhere.

"How did you find me ?" Jude asks suddenly.

"Ah," Zayn laughs nervously, "you're not as clever as you think." I can hear arrogance in his tone, playing with Jude's nerves.

My dear boss ZaynWhere stories live. Discover now