Chapter 2

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My parents are dead. Eden is dead. John is dead. I'm dead. Well, according to the news. Everyone thinks I'm dead.

June. She doesn't know I'm still alive. I should tell her. Wait. It's my fault they're all dead.

I was the one who made them go to the store. My mom wanted to stay home because I was feeling sick. I told them to go anyways. Even though the roads were icy.

I feel terrible. I know I shouldn't but it's at least partially my fault.

Wait. Now that my parents are gone, will I end up in the foster care system? That can't happen.

I quickly pack a bag with a weeks food and some clothes. I grab a dog tag necklace that June gave me earlier this year and run out the door.

I run past June's house and quickly climb the tree up to see her in her room. She is sitting in a bean bag chair with Tess and they're both crying. I feel terrible for what I do next.

I almost throw something at the window to get her attention but stop myself. She can't know. She needs to live out her life.

I go back to the ground and write her a quick note. I don't know how she'll explain it but whatever.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do

I stick the note to her window after her and Tess leave the room and I run. I run and run until I get to an old alley.

I decide to set up a makeshift camp here. Basically just a sleeping bag and pillow.

I fall asleep after an hour of thinking about what I've just done. And about how I can never go back.


It's been a week. I ran out of food yesterday. I don't know what to do.

I run around town trying to find something to eat but end up finding a police officer.

"Hello officer." I say.

"Hi. Where's your parents?"

"I don't have any sir."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Will you please come with me?"

"I suppose." What choice do I have? I'm not an adult so I can't get a job. I'm twelve. I don't have food.


I end up in foster care. It stinks. My foster parents are fine but still. It's been three weeks since I left. I wonder how June is doing.

"Day?" My foster mom asks walking into the room. I told them that's what my name is. I don't want to be able to be traced back to Daniel. He died with my family.


"We found a family that's willing to adopt you."

"Wow. Already?"

"It's very rare that this happens so quickly. They are millionaires in New York City."

"Well it won't be home but I'd love to go with them."

After two months I end up in New York. It's crazy. My room is probably bigger than ten of my old rooms. There's an indoor pool here. I don't know how I'll ever get used to this.

"Day, It's dinner time." My 'Mom' says. I've tried very hard to blend in with this family and that includes dressing nicely and having good manners.

"Okay. I'll be down in a moment." I plug my new phone in. I've never had one before this.

We eat silently.

"So you start school tomorrow." My 'dad' says.


"Are you nervous?"

"Of course I am. I just got adopted and now I'm starting at a new school. Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."

"Day we aren't going to kick you out if you aren't perfect. It's ok. Calm down." He says.


"Stop apologizing." My Mom says.

"Ok." I smile. "Thank you so much for adopting me."

"We didn't want to take care of a toddler anyways. Too messy." I laugh.

"Do I have to tell people I'm adopted?"

"No of course not. We aren't celebrities or anything. No one will know you aren't our birth kid." My Mom says.

"Okay. I just would rather not talk about my past with people. It's seriously messed up."

"Is that why you go by Day, Daniel?" She asks. I almost spit out my food.

"How did you-"

"Day they told us when we adopted you. You weren't fooling anyone."

"Oh. Do they know how my parents-"

"No. They have no idea. They just know that you're Daniel Wing and they know your social security number and other basic information."

"Oh. Can you still call me Day?"

"Of course." My Dad says. Daniel is dead.


My first day of school and I already messed up. I went to the wrong first hour. I manage to just barely make it to my actual class, history, on time.

I am seated by a boy named Pascao. He seems nice.

Seventh grade is boring but it's better than life in the streets any day. I wish I could visit June. See her and know she's okay.

I have had a strong urge to protect her since we were in kindergarten and someone told her that she'd look prettier blonde. She wouldn't. She's perfect.

I need to stop thinking about her. I can never see her again.

How am I supposed to just accept that though? I miss her more than I'd like to admit.

"Want to sit with me at lunch?" Pascao asks.

The bell rings after a long history hour. Pascao shows me to my next class before going to his. I thank him.

This is math. June loved math. I didn't. She always helped me whenever I got confused.

When lunch rolls around I find myself lost in the cafeteria before a girl walks up to me and guides me to Pascao and her table. Her name is Kaede.

I am introduced to the others at the table. Amelia, Isabella, Mary, Brady, and Henry.

Isabella and Mary have bleach blonde hair but Amelia's is bright red. Brady and Henry both look like regular teenage boys. I sit next to Pascao.

"Thanks Pascao." I say. He nods.

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