Chapter 4

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It's the beginning of my junior year. Since seventh grade when I got adopted I've gone to this private school in New York.

Today Pascao and I agreed to go out to eat after school along with my girlfriend Briana and Pascao's boyfriend Greg.

Briana and I got together over the summer. She helps me to avoid thinking about June and what I did. Why I can never be happy.

I don't deserve it after what I did to June. The crash wasn't my fault, I know that now, but leaving June was.

If only I had stayed maybe we'd have ended up together. Who knows. Now I don't deserve her. She definitely doesn't deserve to have to deal with me.

She deserves someone who will love her unconditionally, treat her well, and someone she doesn't have a bad past with. I only meet two of the above requirements.

I just wish I could see her. I don't deserve to, I know. If she sees me I know she will be upset with me.

I walk into the school building and get called down to the office. I walk in to see the backs of two girls, both beautiful. Must be new, I've never seen them around here.

One has strawberry blonde hair long and in braids and the other has dark brown hair in a high ponytail.

"What did you need Principal Jackson?" I ask.

"Oh well we have two new students and they happen to share first hour with you. Please help them find all their classes quick before school starts and I will write you out a pass if you come back to the office late."

"Yeah sure." Why did she pick me? "Where are they?" The two girls to my right turn to face me.

"Hi." The one says. I can't even bring myself to look at her face, my eyes are stuck on the key around her neck. The red painted key with my and her initials on it. June. "I'm June." She looks down at her neck and quickly tucks the key into her shirt. My jaw almost drops but I am able to avoid that. All I have to say is that June is stunning. Like she was beautiful when we were kids but it's nothing compared to what she looks like now.

"And I'm Tess." Why are they here together? Does Tess live with June now?

"Hi." I say looking at Tess. I don't think I can look back at June. "I'm Day." I don't know what caused it but for a split second I almost said Daniel.

"Go along now Day." Principal Jackson says. I nod at her.

June, Tess, and I walk out into the hallway. It hurts seeing her more than I thought it would. A lot more. Like I thought I wanted to see her but I don't know if I can handle this.

"Well, welcome to New York's most expensive school." I say. "Besides the colleges obviously. Anyways, let's go to Mr. S's room. He gets testy when people are late. June." I say turning around.

"What?" She asks. That moment I see something in her eyes. She knows. She can't. As far as she knows I'm dead.

"Schedule." She hands me it. "We have our first three classes together and the last one. You two have the same schedule?" They shake their heads no.

Tess hands hers over. This looks a lot like Pascao's schedule.

"I have a friend with a similar schedule. I'll have him show you around."

"Thanks." She says.

What if I could become June's friend again? I know I don't deserve it but I'd like to.

"Hey June, are you and Tess sisters? You look so different." She shoots a glare at me. I know they aren't but I need to know why Tess is with her. I mean I don't dislike Tess I'm just curious.

"Listen up Day because I'll only say this once. Tess is and always will be my sister. You don't have the right to question it. Did you go through everything I did? No. Do you know my life story? I doubt it. Stay away from Tess and her personal life."

"Sorry. I was just curious." I wonder what happened to Tess. Hey eyes soften.

"Sorry for lashing out. I came from a school that judged her. Please believe me. I really am sorry. It's just kinda become my instinct to protect her. Legally she's my adopted sister, but truthfully she's just my sister." What happened to Tess' parents?

"It's okay June." I say as Tess walks back up to us. She was using the bathroom.

"Something wrong?" She asks.

"No." June says. "Nothing." June has aged well. I mean I always knew she'd be hot someday, but whoah.

"Okay." Tess says. "Let's go to first hour."

We all have the same first class. History.

I show them to Mr. S's classroom.

"Hello Day." He says trying to sound nice.

He hates me because his son Anden does. Anden was best friends with Pascao before I came around and for whatever reason we just instantly butted heads. There's nothing Anden did wrong. We just don't like each other. Maybe we have nothing in common or maybe we just have too much in common.

I sit down next to Pascao after introducing the teacher to June and Tess.

"Who are the new girls? They're hot. You know, if I were into that."

"Yeah. I mean no. I mean, they're names are June and Tess. June's the brunette and Tess is the redhead."

"Cool. Where are they from?" Pascao asks.

"Illinois." I say.

"How did you know that?" I hear June's voice from behind me. Oh no. What do I say?

"Principal Jackson told me." I say.

"Oh." She says hesitantly. "Where did you come from?"

"New York. Lived here all my life. I was homeschooled quite a while." I say. It's the lie I've been telling for years. I haven't felt bad about telling it before now.

"Ok." She says. She knows. She knows. How could she know?

Am I going to be living in this paranoia the rest of high school?

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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