Chapter 5

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We are moving today. It's not my choice. This house is where I have all my memories with Daniel.

I can tell Tess is happy about it. She wants to leave the town that her parents are from. This way when they get out of prison they can't find her.

My dad got promoted. We are going to be pretty rich after he starts this new job.

We are moving to New York City and Tess and I are going to be going to a private school.

I put my key necklace on. It was the key we got to Daniel and my tree house. It wasn't even a real lock but we bought a key nonetheless and painted our initials on it.

"June! It's time to leave!" My mom calls. I look around my room one last time.


When we get to New York Tess and I decide to take our dogs out to the dog park together.

"You excited to be here Tess?" I ask.

"Of course." She says. "I mean I'm sorry you had to leave the town with your memories of Daniel but I'm overjoyed to be out of there."

"I understand Tess. I would want to leave a town too if there were no good memories for me there."

We start our new school in three days. For now Tess and I will just be able to hang out and settle in to our new house.

"June I'm so happy you've made me a part of your family when I had no one else." Tess says pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah. You're my sister Tess. Now let's get back to the new house."

We walk back and on the third block I swear I see Daniel. I know it's just my grief messing with me but gosh it felt so real. He was walking with some teenage guy about our age. No he wasn't. He's dead.

We go back up to our floor and sit down at the kitchen for dinner.

"How was your walk?" My Mom asks as she sets the spaghetti down on the table. I quickly jump up and grab the pasta sauce from the stove.

"Great." I say as I sit back down. Tess smiles.

"I love New York already." She says as she gets herself a glass of water.

My dad walks into the room and grabs a glass of milk before sitting down with us.

"How was your day?" I ask him.

"Good." He says.


Tess and I decided that today we would go and buy stuff to decorate our rooms. Tomorrow is our first day of school.

"What's up sis?" Tess asks as she grabs herself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I laugh as she sits up on the counter.

"Not much. What about you?"

"Well I'm going shopping with my best friend today. We're going to get some decorations for our new rooms."

"Wow. I bet this best friend of yours is totally hot, right?"

"Totally." She says laughing.

"I'm sure she's still nothing compared to my sister." I say laughing.

"Oh my gosh June don't even say that. You're beautiful. Much more so than me for sure." I roll my eyes.

"I've told you this enough times I don't think I even need to say it this time." I say. "Let's go to the store." I pull her hand and drag her out of the kitchen with me.

"June I haven't finished breakfast yet."

"It's not my fault you wake up late."

"You wake up at 7!" Tess says.

"And you were asleep until 9. Let's go. We can get Cinnabon if you're still hungry for breakfast." Tess grabs her purse and keeps the cereal with her. She doesn't use milk anyways.

"Alright." She says. We get a cab and go to the closest block with a bunch of stores.


"What do you think of this one?" Tess asks holding a throw pillow that would possibly be a part of our second living room.

"Cute." I say. She tosses it into the cart. The way the rooms are set up Tess and I have rooms next to each other with a large bathroom in between the two we'll be sharing. It works out because she showers in the mornings and I do in the night. I have a thing about hair dryers. Being that I don't like them.

"Want to go back home?"

"Sure." She says. We check out and decide to walk home because it's so nice.

Tess' dog Maggie is on top of Ollie when we walk into the living room.

"Ollie." I call. He rolls Maggie off of him and runs up to me. I wrap my arms around him in a hug and Tess and I go upstairs with them.


I walk into the principal's office with Tess to get our schedules and such.

"Hey girls." She says. "You must be Tess and June."

"I'm June." I say. "That's Tess."

"Great. Now I'm going to need to find someone to show you around."

"That won't be necessary." I say.

"Don't be silly."

A minute later I turn around to see a gorgeous boy with ocean blue eyes and blond hair.

"Hi." I say. His eyes are glued to my neck. This shirt isn't low or anything? My necklace. I awkwardly look down and tuck it into my tank top. "I'm June."


It's lunch time now. We were invited to Day's table. I swear he looks like an older version of Daniel but I have no proof. He has lived in New York all his life.

"So what are your hobbies Day?" I ask as I sit down with Tess and him.

"Well I don't do much. I'm into running and I cook a little."

"That's cool." I say. Daniel also always loved eating.

"Is there something I've done wrong June? I hardly know you and you seem really hostile against me. If this is about what I said about Tess I am super sorry about that."

"It's not that. You just, remind me of someone that's all. Someone who's not a part of my life anymore."

"Oh June. I'm sorry." The sincerity in his eyes is killing me. I don't know if he's just a super passionate person or what.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Vote and comment!


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