Chapter 12

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Skips forward to Thanksgiving time. June

There's a party tonight. It's a few days before thanksgiving today and Day and I are going to it together. Tess isn't going.

She's deathly afraid of being around alcohol because of her parents. I don't blame her. She actually got my parents to stop keeping any alcohol in the house at all.

They only drink when they're at parties other people have thrown now, or when Tess is away but Tess doesn't know that part.

"Hey Tess what should I wear?" I ask.

"I don't know. I guess just a nice shirt and some skinny jeans?"

"Yeah probably." I say. She walks into my room.

"You had better not get drunk June. I won't cover for you. If you are just a little tipsy I will help you get in bed but I swear I will not cover for you if I look at you and think you won't be able to remember my help."

"Got it." I say.

"Ok. Have fun." She says.


I get dropped off at Day's house. He said he'd give me a ride. I knock on the door and he answers.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey June." He says smiling. I think I am developing a crush on Day. I just hope it's not because he reminds me of Daniel or anything.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Of course." He says walking us to the back of his house.

"Hey June." His Mom says.

"Hi!" I say.

"Don't get too drunk." She warns. My eyes widen. She knows there will be alcohol at this party? That's crazy. I can't believe they're letting him go anyways. "The limo will be here any minute."

I look to Day. Limo? I mouth. He nods with a half laugh.

"Sorry, is that too fancy?" He asks after his mom leaves the room.

"Yes." I say laughing.

We walk outside and get in the limo.

"You see, the thing is my parents don't care if I drink so long as I don't drive drunk."

"That's understandable."

"But I don't drink anyways." He says. "Not when I'm around other people. Can't risk saying stuff I'll regret."

"Oh." I say. How does he have so many secrets that he refuses to drink in fear of revealing them?

The drive to the party takes about twenty minutes and an awkward silence consumes the car the entire time.

We get out silently and walk into the loud and crowded party. The host guides us to where the drinks are and then leaves.

"Day!" Pascao says noticing the two of us. He is obviously drunk.

"Pascao!" He says. "How's everything going?"

"It's going good man." He says. "I've gotta go. See you later."

"Where does he have to go?" I ask smiling.

"Who knows?" Day says shrugging. "Want to go sit outside in their backyard?"

"Of course." I say grabbing a beer on our way out.

We sit closely together on a lounge chair by the pool.

"Yo Day!" A kid yells. "You ain't drinking?" I roll my eyes and slide my can to his side of the chair.

I walk over to him. Oh, it's a senior named Al.

"No, it was actually me Al. Would you mind showing me where the drinks are?" Ugh I hate myself right now. Why am I getting another drink?

"Of course darling."

"Don't push it." I say walking inside with him.

He offers to make my drink and pours a bunch of vodka in a plastic cup. He adds some other liquid, but I'm unsure what it is.

"Here June." He says handing me the cup. I take a tiny sip of it and barely manage to swallow it. I fake a smile.

"Thanks Al." I walk out of the house and sit beside Day again. He looks irritated.

"What's wrong Day?"

"He's just an ass." He says.

"Oh lighten up. It's not as if I'm actually going to drink this." I say pouring it in the grass beside me.

He smirks. "I suppose."

Some music starts playing behind us. This is my favorite song of all time. Has been since I was like five.

"This is my favorite!" I say loudly over the music.

"I know." Day mumbles with a smile on his face. I furrow my brows and turn to face him more.

"How?" I ask. Nothing about this boy adds up. I swear.

"Um- I mean I know now." He says nervously.

"Nice try." I say smirking.

"Tess told me." He says.

"Day, I don't believe you. How did you know I love that song?"

"I mean I'd call you my best friend. Shouldn't I know that?"

"Considering I'm 100% sure I've never told you, no." I say. He looks really nervous.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I just misspoke. Maybe you're the one that needs to chill."

"You know what? No. I'm going home." I say pulling my phone out to get an Uber.

Day does the same to call his limo. What a snob. Why did I ever think I liked him?

I walk out to the Uber and get in. Even though I am rich now I, unlike Day, wasn't born into it. My parents worked hard during my lifetime to change their economic status.

"Thank you." I say when I leave the car. The man was nice, even offered me a water bottle.

I walk into my house and find Tess. I break down and lay on her bed.

"What's wrong June?" She asks stroking my arm.

"Day. Day is wrong. He has to be Daniel. He knew my favorite song, you know the one. He knew it. I've never told him."

"June, I thought you were over this." Tess says pulling me into a hug. "He's not Daniel. Daniel is dead."

"I know Tess, it just doesn't make sense. I get this sense that Day knows me better than I know myself. I just don't understand how."

"I don't either. Maybe he's your soulmate." I laugh as she finally lets go of me.

"Yeah. Maybe." I say staring out the window into the city lit darkness.


A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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