Chapter 15

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I am a crap person. She was bawling her eyes out. She knows it's me. She has to by now.

I love this girl. Maybe not enough. Not enough to tell her the truth.

I used to think that June would be the future mother of my children. I honestly did. Why did my parents have to get in that crash?

We could have lived a normal stress free life. I could've asked June to homecoming freshman year and dated her all through high school.

I could've been the cliche guy that buys his girlfriend a promise ring and proposes to her after asking her father.

We could've been the ones that grew old together and never once thought about divorce. Could have been the couple that all other couples envied.

I miss her. I miss us. I want us to someday be that couple. Be the couple I thought I'd lost the chance to be a part of years ago.

I know I'm being unrealistic but I love June. I need to get her somehow. But is breaking her heart a chance I'm willing to take? She seems to like me as Day. Can I just ask her out as Day?

No. That would be cruel.

I walk into the kitchen and see my adoptive parents sitting at the counter.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad." I say. "I need help telling June."

"Come sit." My Mom says pulling the seat next to her out.

"I don't know what to do." I say honestly.

"You should just be honest with her. Tell her the truth and hope she doesn't murder you."

"I know I should. I hate it. I hate myself for the way I've treated her. I love you guys but I just wish my parents were still alive and none of this had happened."

"I understand." My Dad says.

"I mean I consider you my parents but that doesn't mean I don't consider my birth parents my parents too."

"Of course." My Mom says.

"Well, it's time." I say standing up. I have to do this. I'll just, hope she's home.

I walk out and go down to the flower shop. Even now, I'm too scared to confront her when she finds out.

I'll buy her flowers and leave a note on them with my confession.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" The old woman behind the counter asks.

"I just need something simple." I say. I don't want to go overboard and risk her not seeing the note.

"Alright then." She says showing me a few combinations of flowers before I settle on one.

I pay for the flowers as well as a vase and the notecard thing. The woman allows me to borrow a pen and I sit down on the bench at the corner of the store to write it.


I am so sorry for this. I know I don't deserve it but I hope one day I can get your forgiveness. I love you


I place the notecard in the envelope and stick it in place. My feet are moving before my brain realizes I've gotten up.

All too soon I arrive at her house. In a stroke of luck, she is not home. I drop them off on her kitchen table after talking to her mom.

I run into Mr. Iparis on the way out. He gives me a weird look.

"Sorry." I say.

"Goodbye Daniel." I nod walking away before I stop and turn around.

I look into his eyes terrified.

"You thought I couldn't tell? You're just lucky I haven't told anyone. I just have one question. Why did you do it?"

"I never meant for it to turn out this way, I swear."

"I just wish that simple fact could be enough. We all make mistakes. Good luck gaining her forgiveness. I know you weren't looking for it but don't have mine."


"What do I do Pascao?"

"Day, I have no idea. This is on you. You made a bunch of stupid mistakes."

"I know I did. I know I did."

A/N: sorry for the short chapter but my phone glitched and published it early. So I had to quick find a spot to end the chapter and edit it because now it won't unpublish. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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