Chapter 10

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As I walk into school this Friday I am thinking about June. I swear I can't get her off my mind and it's becoming a problem.

I should get a new girlfriend or something. But I don't want to. Not unless it's her.

"Hey Day." Briana says walking up to me as I enter the library.

"Hey Bri." I say.

"So I've been thinking and I feel like we should get back together. I overreacted to you paying attention to that June girl. I should have known she was a nobody."

"Briana. I broke up with you."

"Well I've been telling people that I dumped you so..." she pushes me back against the library wall and kisses me.

"Day?" I hear from about ten feet away. "Oh sorry." Much closer. I shove Briana away from me.

I look over to June to see her standing awkwardly five feet away. "I'm sorry." She mouths before walking away.

"Briana, what the hell?" I say angrily.

"Sorry Day. I guess I never meant anything to you."

"Briana. You were a good girlfriend and I hope you find someone to love someday, but I'm not that person. Please just let me live my life." She nods.

"I understand. It was stupid of me to do this. I'm sorry I kissed you."

"It's okay Briana." I say. "I should get to class."

"I understand. Goodbye Day."

"Bye Briana." I say walking away from her. Wow. That was... weird.

I walk to class and spot June in her usual seat. I sit next to her since there's about five minutes before the bell.

"Hey June. I just wanted to say that what you saw in the library was-"

"Day it's fine. It's seriously none of my business."

"But-" I say. She quickly interrupts.

"No. I don't want to hear about it. Not my business who you are with."

Ugh June. I just want her knowing that Bri forced herself on me.

"She forced herself on me and I pushed her away. We are not dating."

"Why are you so persistent in getting me to know that. It's. None. Of. My. Business."

"Well you're my friend. I thought you should know. Sorry you had to see that by the way."

"It's really fine. Just don't worry about it. Want to come over and walk my dog with me today?" She asks.

"Sure, I'll bring Charles." She laughs. "What?"

"I'm sorry but his name. It's adorable but weird."

"Don't make fun of my dog!" I say.

"I love him." She says laughing. The bell rings.

I walk back over to my seat. Mr. S glares at me. Of course.

"Alright everyone." He says. "Today's lesson is on the changes in US government over the years."


Before walking into the cafeteria, I stop by Principal Jackson's office. She called me in via email earlier this morning.

"Principal Jackson, you called for me?" I ask as I walk into her office.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you if you knew those girls I had you show around at the beginning of the year. I did some research recently and found out that your old school is the same one they went to."

"Uh, I mean it was a big school but yeah they looked familiar. Why do you ask?"

"Well, this is kind of weird but for our class trip to D.C. we don't have great room arrangements. There's a maximum number of rooms we can reserve and unfortunately due to this we have to pair you with two girls. You'll also have a supervisor in your room but I just wanted to see it be someone you know.

"You seemed to know those girls and that's why I searched it up. Anyways. I'm so sorry this has to happen anyways. The room will be big enough that it will be separated into different bedrooms so you'll get your own. As a way to make up for this having to happen we gave you and the people you're sharing with the biggest suite."

"Sounds good to me." I say. I mean to be honest it's really not a big deal at all. June and I are friends. I mean I guess she knows a hell of a lot less about me than I do about her, but I think she considers me her friend.

"Thank you so much." She says. "Now I have to tell Tess and June. Awkward." She breaks eye contact and looks toward her computer. "You can go now." She walks back toward her computer as it dings.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit next to June upon getting my food.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Not much. How about you?"

"Principal Jackson just informed me I'm going to be forced to room with you and Tess on the school trip."

"Well that's, interesting." She says. Tess walks up and sits next to June.

"Hey." She says.

"What's up?" June asks.

"Not much." Tess says. "What's up with you two?"

"Well Day was making out with Bri in the library this morning." June says. "So are you two going to date again?"

"No." I say loudly. She laughs. I was mad at her for asking that but her laugh just makes that all go away.

"I was just kidding Day. Relax. Like I said before. It's not really my business anyways."

"I know. I- sorry." I say.

"It's cool."

"But it's okay for you to ask about this kind of stuff. It's not like I am trying to hide anything from you." I say. If only that were the truth.

I have to tell her eventually. She deserves to know. What if she fell in love with me? Like the Day me. I could never forgive myself if that happened and she still didn't know who I truly am.

What is wrong with me? I can't tell her. That would just make her upset. But wouldn't it be worth it in the end? That's not my choice. I was the one to do this stupid thing. Now I'm the one that has to live with the consequences.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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