Chapter 7

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I walk into math class on Monday. I've started to get comfortable walking about the school by myself.

"Hello class." Mrs. Drake says after the bell rings. "We are starting a group project. Check your emails I have sent you the name of your partner.

Day Matthews

Well he's the only one I know in this class. I still can't get over how much he reminds me of Daniel.

"Hey Day." I say walking up to him. "Looks like we're partners."

"Okay." He says. "You want to go to my house after school to work on it?"

"Sounds good to me." I say. We decide to set up a basic outline of what we will do.

"So," Day says. "I have a confession." This is kind of weird.

"What?" He looks super nervous.

"I have absolutely no idea how to do this."

"I thought you were being serious." I say with a light laugh.

"I was!" He defends. Daniel always needed help with his math too. "Are you okay?" He asks touching my shoulder briefly.

"Yeah. Sorry I was just thinking."

"You looked depressed." Day says nervously.

"I'm fine. Really."


Day and I walk into his gigantic home. Wow. This is huge.

Day's parents are in the kitchen as we walk in.

"Hi," his mom says. "I'm Day's Mom, my name is Rachel."

"I'm June." I say smiling.

"I'm Henry." His Dad says shaking my hand. City people don't usually do this, especially with young adults. I smile at him genuinely.

"Well we have a project to do." Day says leading me upstairs to his room.

"Your parents look nothing like you." I think our loud.

"Yeah I know. I get that a lot." He says annoyed. Daniel wouldn't have parents, unless he was adopted?

I don't know what's going on. I need to stop thinking about this though. It isn't him. He would have had the decency to tell me.

A/N: Short chapter because I'm super lazy and also anxious to write the next chapters. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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