Chapter 16

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Tess and I walk into the kitchen. I see a bouquet of flowers on the table. Must be mom's.

"Those are for you June." My mom says walking into the kitchen. "Your friend Day dropped them off." She raises an eyebrow at Tess and Tess giggles.

I grab them and walk them to my room. Why would Day do this?

I leave it and go shopping with Tess.

Tess and I need winter coats. I haven't bought a new one for too long and same for her.

"What about this one?" She asks holding up a black jacket that's fuzzy on the inside. I feel it.

"Cute." I say.

"Yeah." She says. "It would look cute on you."

"Maybe." I say.

We continue to walk around the store.

"So..." she says. I look over. "Day got you flowers." She smiles smugly.

"I know I know."

"You're blushing!" She accuses.

"I didn't come here to get judged." I say walking toward the sweatpants. "I came here to buy fat pants for the winter and thanksgiving."

"I thought we came here for winter coats." She says running after me.

"That too." I mumble.

"Well whatever. Pick out some because we should go home and eat lunch soon. Mom texted and she's making us something."

Sounds good. Tess and I walk back trying to avoid getting frost bitten.

I take the flowers to my room.

There's a note attached.

I open it.


I am so sorry for this. I know I don't deserve it but I hope one day I can get your forgiveness. I love you





I never told Day the name. Did I?

Even if I had, he wouldn't be so cruel as to send something like this.

Well now I'm a mess. Who am I supposed to tell? I don't think I can trust anyone with this information, they'd think I've gone crazy.

Tears roll down my face and onto my blouse. I fall back into my bed.

This state of depression doesn't leave me nor do I imagine it soon will.

Daniel will pay for this. I loved him. He did this to me when I loved him. When he said he loved me.

I don't want to never forgive him. That's not healthy for me. It's not about him. It's about my mental stability.

And right now? It's a wreck.

A/N: lol whoops. Guess who hasn't updated in 1.5 million years? Sorry y'all. I'm losing interest in wattpad if I'm being honest. I still love legend and all but I'm just running low on ideas. Message me with yours anytime. Also... Legend 4? Awesome! Definitely gonna preorder that ❤️

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