Chapter 6

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School is over and Pascao and I are about to go out with Briana and Greg.

Briana and I are walking to my car when I catch a glimpse of June. She is walking with Tess. I still can't believe how much she has changed.

"Why are you staring at her?" Briana asks

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. She's just..."


"Looks familiar." I finish.

"Oh, from where?"

"Maybe a past life." I say, and in a way—it was.

"Okay well if you're done gawking at your soulmate from your past life we have reservations at 5 with Pascao and Greg and I need time to get ready."

"Okay. I'll drop you off at your house then." I say.

We get into the car and I drive her to her house. Briana's mother is the secretary to the mayor of New York and her father is a surgeon. Which, of course, means they live in the richest part of town.

I drop her off and drive back to my house. I get ready and go to pick her back up. Greg and Pascao are going to meet us there.

I walk up to her front door. Her mom answers.

"Hi ma'am." I say.

"Day this isn't the 50's. At least call me Mrs. Greene."

"Ok." I laugh slightly nervously. "Is Briana ready?"

"She will be in a minute."

"Of course."


Briana and I walk into the restaurant together. She seems uneasy. I take her by the hand and walk over to the table Pascao and Greg are at.

"Hey Day." They both say.

"Hey guys." I say as Briana and I sit together.

I look across the room for a brief second but it's enough to make me wish I hadn't. June. She's here and so are her parents. Tess too.

"What's wrong?" Pascao asks.

"Can I talk to you?" I respond. He nods and we walk across the room and into the waiting area.

"So I'm about to tell you some serious stuff. First things first. I'm adopted." His eyes widen.

"Okay. And?" He asks. Didn't take him long to get over the first thing.

"And the new girl June? She knows me from my past. The past with my birth parents. I kind of had a crush on her back then. Maybe still do I don't know."

"Does she recognize you?" He asks.

"No but I'm surprised. I mean my hair is longer and a bit cleaner but besides that I look mostly the same."

"Well what does she think happened to you?" Pascao asks. I awkwardly look away. "She doesn't think you're—" he pauses.

"Yes ok. She thinks I'm dead. What am I supposed to do?"

"Dude this is super messed up. What do you want me to tell you? You can break it off with Bri but that won't just magically solve everything." Pascao says standing up.

"Okay. You're right. I'll stay with her. Cover for me if I get awkward tonight?"

"Of course. You're still my best friend."

"Thanks man." I say. We walk back into the room and sit next to our dates.

"What was that about?" Briana whispers.

"Nothing." I say. "Just guy stuff." I say. That was a stupid answer, but based on her expression she bought it.

"So how was your week?" I ask Briana.

"It was good." She says hesitantly.

"Nice." I say. I glance over at June and by some odd chance we make eye contact. For some reason I can't stop looking at her.

Tess whispers something to her and she blushes looking down at the floor.

"Day?" Briana asks.

"Sorry." I say snapping back into reality. The one where I can't just casually mention to June that I know every little detail about her.

Her middle names came from her grandmas. Her birthday is July 11th. She thinks dogs are the greatest gift to mankind ever. If she could lay around on the couch eating ice cream all day I know she would. What if she's changed? What if the way she once was has completely changed and we no longer would have anything to even talk about?

"Day I don't get you right now. Is something wrong? Who is that girl over there?" Briana asks.

"I don't know." I say. Not anymore.

"Day stop it. I can't have you lying to me." I turn to face her.

"I told you I don't know." I say harshly. Pascao stands up abruptly.

"Okay. Let's calm down. Maybe you guys should wait and talk at school. Day why don't you go home? I'll drop Briana off when we finish dinner. I think Day could use the space right now."

"Yeah. Sorry Bri." I say. I walk out the door and sit out on the bench for a minute.

June happens to walk outside. "Hi Day." She says.

"Hey June." She sits down next to me.

"I don't know why I'm so comfortable around you. I promise I'm not usually this apt to just walk up to a guy and start a conversation. Is something wrong?"

Yes of course. Lots of things. I look up into her brown eyes filled with worry and get a gut feeling she hasn't changed. I hope. I hope her favorite song is still the same. I hope she never outgrew watching cartoons on Saturday morning. I hope she someday forgives me for all the stupid things I've done to her.

"I don't know." I say. "I didn't mean to stare at you I just kind of zoned out. Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I was staring too." She says smirking. "Mostly because you look scarily familiar."

"Oh. Really?" I ask trying to sound surprised.

"Yes. Never mind that though." She says.

We fall into an awkward silence. I never would've guessed that I'd grow up to be awkward around this girl.

"Well I should go." I say standing.

"Me too." June says. I walk away from her with a tear in my eye. What am I supposed to do?

I look back at her and see her walking back into the restaurant. Why did she even come outside?

A/N: Thanks for reading! I'm tired rn so this is unedited. Sorry if there's some mistakes. Vote and comment!


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