Chapter 8

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June June June. I know every little thing about this girl. Yet I know nothing. I am hopelessly awkward around her.

If she only knew. If only I hadn't gone and messed it up all those years ago. She knows everything about me and she doesn't even know it.

I walk into the school by Briana's side. She has her arm wrapped around my left one.

"We should ditch today." She says smiling mischievously.

"No you should not." Mr. S says from behind us. He's going to kill me in class today.

"I was just going to say that Mr. S." I say turning to face him. He scoffs and walks into the teacher's lounge.

Briana goes to her locker and I go to mine.

I walk into first hour and see Tess and June talking to each other. June smiles at me and Tess waves slightly.

I sit in my assigned seat and wait for class to start. Mr. S walks in about two minutes later.

"Good morning class. Today we will be focusing on the importance of education and how the lack of it can cause the downfall of a society. I know it's a bit off topic but I feel it is important." He is seriously going to do this? It's directed at me. He thinks I'd actually skip school. I'm not insane. This school may be in a good neighborhood but it's still in New York City.


I walk into the cafeteria with June. She's laughing at something dumb I said about our math project. I am so madly in love with her.

That's it. I'm breaking up with Bri. I can't lie to myself. I will only end up hurting her.

"Hey, June?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She says.

"If you were going to break up with someone, what would be a nice way to do it?" I ask. She laughs.

"You're asking me?"

"I trust you." She looks up at me sort of shocked.

"Why?" She asks. "We just met not that long ago. Did we not?" Does she know?

"Of course. I just, it's weird, I feel like I've known you longer." Because I have. Much longer.

"I feel the same way. I mean it's not even that I know that much about you. It's just, I feel so comfortable around you."

"I feel the same way. Sorry this is awkward."


It's after school. Now is the time. I have to break up with Briana.

"Hey Bri?" I say. She looks over at me with a questioning look on her face. We are currently sitting in her living room and talking.

"What?" She asks.

"Please don't take this the wrong way but I think we need a break." She stands up abruptly.

"How can I take that 'the right way?'" She says with air quotes.

"I'm sorry it's just. I mean I don't love you and I don't ever see us getting married. I don't want to just continue to date someone I could never see myself with for life."

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