Information About The Story

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I just thought I'd post this so there won't be as much confusion about the story.

For the purpose of this story Rey and Kylo will be the same age. (I know there's an age gap between them but just ignore that for this story.)

Rey and Kylo's baby is only about a year old, I'm thinking Rey waited a year  before going to college.

Han and Leia DON'T know about the baby. Han moved away and Leia didn't keep in touch with her.

Kylo will start college the same time as Rey. The rest will be explained in the story.

Any other questions? Feel free to message me or comment below. Also if you want to be a character in the story let me know.

Take care & I'll talk to you guys soon!!

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora