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Hux was just about asleep when he heard Kylo come back to the room suppressing a sob.

"What's the matter with you?" Hux asked annoyed. "Or do I even want to know.

Kylo took a moment to gather himself before replying. "Rey just came back from a date. He was kissing her cheek when I arrived to talk to her."

"She's seeing someone? I must admit, I didn't see that coming. I thought she'd sit around and mope about you for awhile. Good for her. Was he a nice guy?" As soon as he said it Hux regretted it.

"He must have been a nice guy if she let him kiss her cheek. It bothered me Hux, more than I thought it would. What should I do?"

"Let me get some sleep and then YOU can figure it out YOURSELF in the morning." With that, Hux rolled over and went to sleep indicating the end of the conversation. With a sigh Kylo went to bed himself, wondering what he would do if Rey started seeing that guy seriously.

Time Skip (Friday)

"So, I'll see you tonight?" Andrew asked as he walked Rey to her English class.

"Pick me up around 7 and we can go watch the football game together. We're going to sit with Finn and Jessica, I hope you don't mind."

Andrew's face dimmed a bit at this but he nodded anyway. He was kinda hoping it would just be him and Rey taking in the game together. "I'll pick you up at your dorm at 7, then maybe we can do something together afterwards?"

"We'll see how long the game goes. Plus I have Satine. I don't want to leave her alone with the babysitter all night, it's not fair to her." She then kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for walking me to class. I'll see you later."

"Alright now everyone, please find your partner from your project and make sure everything is in order before handing it in to me." Professor Krennic told them.

Rey walked over to a surprisingly tired looking Kylo to collect his part of the project to hand in to professor Krennic. Without a word he handed it to her. Not wanting to question him, she looked it over before handing it to Krennic who thanked her and then told her to take her seat. Which she did without another word. Once seated, Jessica leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"What the hell is with Kylo? He looks horrible, is he sick or something?"

"I don't know, and I'm afraid to ask him. If it's bad enough he can tell me if he wants to, I'm not gonna force it out of him."

Jessica nodded and then focused on the front of the class where Krennic was outlining their next topic. Eventually class ended and he told them that he would have the marks of their projects by Monday.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur and before Rey knew it, it was 7 O'clock. Andrew knocked on the door about 5 minutes later. He smiled at Rey apologetically.

"Sorry I'm late. I lost track of time. Shall we go?"

"Yes, let's go." After telling Ruby to have a good night, Rey and Andrew walked to the game together. Finn and Jessica were waiting for them.

"I told you they were coming" Finn said with a grin at Jessica. "Rey probably just took a little long getting ready."

"Actually it was my fault Andrew admitted. I lost track of time."

Finn looked surprised at this but shrugged after a look from Jessica.

"I'm hungry" Jessica told Finn. "Why don't you and Andrew get me and Rey a couple of hotdogs or something?"

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now