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Rey was up early the next morning so she would have enough time to get her and Satine ready. As much as she hated to admit it, she was looking forward to this. Though she wasn't naive enough to think this would fix everything between them, this was a start.

Finally finished getting ready she got Satine ready next, which luckily didn't take as long. She looked at the clock and put Satine into her stroller.

"Come on sweetie it's time to meet Ky.., I mean daddy for breakfast." She left a note for Jessica who had apparently already left, in case she came back.

Satisfied, she hurried to the front of the campus to meet Kylo who surprise surprise was already there.

"Ahh there you are. I hope you didn't rush on my account. I would have waited longer if I had to."

Rey just shook her head with a slight laugh escaping her.

"Let's just go already. I'm hungry and could use a cup of coffee."

"Then we shall go." He then walked with her to his car. "Not bad huh?"

"This is gorgeous, how long have you had this?" "How did you afford it?"

"I've had it for a couple years now, it was a graduation gift from my parents."

After folding up the stroller, and setting up the bassinet, Rey hopped in the car, which was a black Ferrari. Kylo drove slowly as there was a baby in the car, one day he promised Rey to take just her for a ride so he could show her how fast it can go. 15 minutes later they arrived at the coffee shop.

It was crowded but Kylo managed to get them a table when people saw they had a young baby with them.

After ordering a couple of coffees and some danishes Kylo began talking.

"I'm truly sorry for what I said the other day. I was angry and hurt and lashed out at you in the worst way." Regardless of what you've done you didn't deserve those words I said to you. I'm hoping we can come to some sort of agreement today."

"While it will take some time for me to forgive you, I'm willing to listen to what you have to say today."

The waiter then came back with their orders. He handed Kylo his and then Rey hers. He also slipped Rey a piece of paper with a smile then walked back to the counter.

Rey blushed when she saw he had given her his phone number. Kylo noticed her blush and frowned.

"Are you going to go out with him?" I'm sitting right here but you're going to go out with another man?!"

"Kylo this isn't the time or place for this. Let's focus on what we came here to discuss. Or if you want to be a child and throw a tantrum over this we can leave right now."

"You're right" he said at last. I apologize about how I acted just now. Let gets back to what we were talking about. I realize that asking for full custody of our daughter was wrong, you are her mother and she needs you. Plus when I become a musician I'll be on the road all the time and won't be able to give her the full attention she needs. So instead of full custody, why don't we come to a shared custody arrangement that way we both get to spend an equal amount of time with her?"

"Or, we could co parent her together. It makes sense since we're living on the same campus anyway. I think that would be in the best interest of our daughter."

"That could work, though are you worried we will argue and fight all the time?"

"I know you aren't stupid enough to do that. Besides, I think Satine would like to hear her father sing lullabies to her. It's gotta be better than hearing my poems all the time."

"I doubt that, your poems are amazing, don't be so hard on yourself. You are going to be the worlds next great poet one day, I know you will. But I would like the chance to sing for her, even if I'm not perfect yet."

"Yes, I think our daughter would love to hear her "emo" father sing for her. I know I would, it's been a long time since I've heard you sing."

"Then it's settled. For now we will co-parent together and see how it goes."

"Agreed. But I do ask you to be patient on forgiving you. What you called me hurt me a lot and I'm not past it yet. Also I think that if either of us finds someone we want to go out with, we should introduce them to the other after a date or two."

At these words Kylo clenched his fists."I don't know if that's such a good idea, it might confuse Satine. Plus with all the work we have at college, there isn't really a lot of time for that kind of stuff."

"Fine. Rey said waving her hands. We'll discuss that at a later point. For now let's shake hands on what we've agreed on and go from there." She held her hand out for him to shake.

Kylo took her hand and kissed it instead. Satine then chose that moment to start crying.

"She probably needs to be changed. I'll go" Rey said.

"No need, I can do it, he then handed her some cash. That should cover our coffees and danishes."

Rey went to pay for their drinks and food while Kylo took Satine to the changing room.

"Here you go" she said paying the waiter from earlier.

"Thank you, and here's your change." Then seeing no one was behind her, he leaned closer to ask another question. "How would you like to go out with me on a date with me tomorrow night? I'll pick you up around 7?"

Rey was about to reply when a deep voice from behind her spoke frostily.

"I'm afraid she won't be able to do that as we will be busy looking after OUR daughter tomorrow night. And if you try asking her again you'll be going home with your arm in a cast understand?"

Shaking, the man nodded his agreement before walking off.

"I could have handled that myself, I was doing just fine without you. I'm not some damsel who needs a prince to rescue me. If you ever do that again you won't see your daughter for a week. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

Instead of replying he whipped out his car keys and without another word strode for the car. Rey followed behind him without another word. The ride back to campus was a silent one. When they finally got back Rey was about to get out of the car before Kylo grabbed her hand stopping her.

"I'm sorry for my actions back there. I promise to restrain myself in the future. He kissed her hand again. "Can I come by your dorm later?"

"Fine. Come by later today and we can work on the project and you can sing to Satine."

After putting Satine in her stroller she walked back to her dorm.

Glad that he had appeased Rey for the moment, Kylo also went back to campus to find Hux and Phasma and share the good news with them.

To Be Continued....

A/N-And there you have Rey and Kylo's coffee date. It was a good date I think. A lot of progress was made anyway.

It won't be all smooth sailing but for the moment they are in a good place.

I had a lot of fun writing for a jealous, protective Kylo. That poor waiter didn't know what him. He'll think twice before flirting with Rey again. Kylo will also think twice before acting like that again, hopefully.

Again a huge thank you to all my awesome readers for reading this. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter!! Also if you have things you want me to include please let me know!!

Take care and see you again soon with more!! 😁😁💕💕😀😀❤️❤️

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