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It was very early the next morning when Rey finally arrived at Naboo college. After finding a place to park she grabbed her sleeping daughter out of the backseat and hurried to the Dean's office.

After knocking on the door and being told to come in Rey found herself face to face with a small petite elderly lady. The lady smiled at her before introducing herself.

"My name is Maz Kanata. Welcome to Naboo college. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Rey Kenobi, I'm starting college here in a couple days. I just wanted to get a few things settled before classes start."

"I'll do my best to help you young lady. What can I help you with?"

"I heard that some colleges offer childcare for single mothers while they are attending classes. Is this true? And if it is can I afford it?"

Maz smiled at Rey before answering her question. "Yes child we do offer childcare at our college and since you are a full time student who I also see will be living on campus, it's $50 a month."

Rey chewed on her lip for a moment before nodding. "I'll find a way to afford that. Perhaps I can find a job near campus to earn some extra money. "I'm also wondering when I can pick up my books and move into my dorm?"

Maz did a quick search on her computer before replying. "You can pick up your books tomorrow, our bookstore is closed today. And as for moving into your dorm, you can go there right now if you like. She then handed a slip of paper to Rey. Here is the number for your dorm room. The only major rule is NO smoking or alcohol in the dorm rooms. Otherwise you can do what you want, within reason of course."

Rey laughed. "I don't smoke and I can barely tolerate liquor so that won't be a problem for me. She stood up to leave. Thank you for your help miss Kanata you've been most helpful". With a friendly wave Rey left and went in search of her dorm room.

After walking around for a little while she finally found it. For the time being she was alone but she knew she would have a roommate when classes started up. After changing her daughters diaper she set her down for a nap and decided to do the same thing herself.

Her last thought before sleep took her was "I think I'm going to like this school a lot. This is the fresh start I needed." Then with a smile on her face she to fell asleep.

To Be Continued.....

A/N- I'm so excited by the positive response I've received on this story so far. You guys ROCK!!

I know this chapter was slow but it needed to set things up for the start of classes, which should be next chapter.

We will meet Poe and Finn for sure, and maybe Kylo Ren and his crew. The professor of Rey's class will be familiar as well!!

I also wanted to let you guys know that the contest I have going on for picking a title for this story, will go until next Friday. PLEASE keep commenting your ideas to earn a chance to be in this story!!

Take care and I'll see you guys with more soon!!!! 😀😁

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now