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The next few weeks went actually pretty good for Rey. Kylo was true to his word and paid for the repair of Rey's car battery, he also threw in some extra money for a fresh coat of paint. Rey was thrown by his kind gesture but appreciated it nonetheless.

One morning Rey woke up in a bit of a bad mood. Satine had recently started teething and wasn't sleeping very well because of the discomfort. Jessica had already left for the morning, so after quickly dressing Rey rushed her over to the daycare.

Before leaving she let the daycare worker know that Satine was teething and may be a bit cranky for the next little while. The daycare instructor just smiled and told Rey that she had dealt with a teething baby before, and that she would be able to handle Satine no problem. Feeling reassured Rey headed off for another day of classes. The day passed quickly and before she knew it, it was time to pick up Satine.

On the way back from the daycare she ran into Kylo. He smiled when he saw Satine in her baby carrier.

"Hey precious, do you have a kiss for daddy?" The little girl reached for her daddy instantly and Rey passed her over to him so Kylo could hold her. Kylo let out a happy laugh when Satine kissed his cheek. Even Rey started laughing when she saw Satine pulling on Kylo's hair. As Kylo kept playing with her and making silly faces, Rey decided to take a picture of the sweet moment so she could include it in her scrapbook. It was right at this moment that Andrew walked by. He decided to come over and see what was going on.

"Having a fun time?" he asked, trying to keep the jealousy from his voice.

"Andrew, hi, I didn't see you there. What brings you over here?"

"I saw you were over here and decided to ask you if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight?"

Rey looked over at Kylo who had tensed at Andrew's question, to his credit he didn't cause a scene, though Rey could tell he was hurt.

"You should have texted me" she said as she pulled Andrew over to the side so Kylo wouldn't overhear them.

"I'm sorry, but I saw you there and thought why not? After all you are my girlfriend, he's going to have to get comfortable seeing us together eventually."

"That still doesn't make it right. He is the father of my daughter, you could at least respect that. And don't forget your promise not to go near Satine." Kylo may have slowly been accepting that Rey was seeing Andrew, but he didn't want him anywhere near Satine, not unless he was around or things got really serious between Rey and Andrew. Andrew hadn't liked this, but Rey thought it was fair. She knew Kylo could have acted worse, so she was quite impressed with how he was handling the situation.

"Yeah yeah I got it. So do you want to go for dinner or not?"

"Fine. But we'll go early, we have classes in the morning. I'll have to ask Kylo to watch Satine, Ruby mentioned earlier that she was studying tonight."

"I'll pick you up at 5 then." He gave her a quick peck on the lips. "See you later."

Once he left Rey went back to check on Kylo and Satine. She smiled as she saw the funny faces Kylo was making to make Satine laugh. She took another picture to add to the scrapbook.

"Sorry about that. Did you and Satine have fun while I was gone?"

"We did. Did you take care of your business with Andrew?"

"I did. In fact I have a favour to ask of you. Will you watch Satine for a couple of hours tonight? I have a date."

Kylo's face dropped in hurt at Rey's words and he clenched his fists to try and calm himself. "I'd be happy to watch Satine tonight, I love spending time with my daughter. I'll be there around 4:30 or so." He gave Satine a final kiss on the cheek before heading back inside.

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now