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Rey hummed all the way back to her dorm. When she entered her dorm however, she almost fainted.

On her bed were shopping bags filled with all kinds of stuff. Curious, she decided to see what was in the bags.

The first one was a onesie for Satine. It said "I woke up like this #flawless" Rey couldn't help by laugh, it was perfect.
After setting it aside she found s couple of really cute baby dresses and hair bonnets. She couldn't wait to try this stuff on Satine.

She then peered into the next bag. This one had an amazing book of poetry with poems by all the famous poets Rey liked. Rey flipped through it in awe. This book would be an enormous help with her poetry writing. Setting it aside for a moment, Rey decided to pull out the other item in the bag.

"A scrapbook!" She exclaimed in surprise. "I'll get great use out of this." When she opened it up a card fell out of it. Intrigued, Rey opened it up to read it.

It was from Jessica. "I hope you like the gifts that I bought for you and Satine. It's my way of apologizing for what happened. You have no idea how bad I feel and the fact that I may have ruined our friendship kills me. Included in this card is a coupon for a massage at a massage parlour near here, one for you and me. I'm hoping you will want to go get one tomorrow and then we can go for ice cream afterwards with Satine. Love you lots, Jessica."

Rey was startled as the door then opened. Jessica walked in and smiled when she saw Rey with the gifts she bought her surrounding her.

"I see you got my gifts. I hope you like them."

In response Rey gave her friend a huge hug. "Like them? I love them! I plan on having Satine wear the onesie tomorrow when we go for our massages."

Jessica beamed at this. "I knew you'd love that idea. I'm glad I thought of it. So, um, does this mean we're friends again?"

"He'll yeah it does! Sit down and we can watch some Netflix on your phone for awhile. I'm having Kylo over later."

Jessica raised her eyebrows at this, a suggestive look in her eyes.

"Not for that! Rey exclaimed with a laugh. We're going to work on our project then Kylo is going to sing a lullaby to Satine."

"Can you record that for me? I love the sound of Kylo's singing."

Rey just slapped her shoulder playfully then settled in to watch tv on Jessica's phone.

A couple of hours later Jessica's eyes widened at the time. "Shoot is that the time? I have to meet Finn in 20 minutes."

"You've sure been spending a lot of time with Finn. Anything going on there I should know about?"

"We've been seeing one another for a few days now Jessica admitted. He really likes me and I really like him."

"I'm glad. We'll have to hang out together sometime. What are your plans with him for tonight?"

"We're actually going to play one of the newest video games together. He likes playing them as much as I do."

"Sounds like fun" Rey grinned. "Have a good time."

"I will. See you later. And I expect full details when I get back."


Once alone Rey flipped through her new poetry book for a bit, finding inspiration in the different poems.

At 7 o'clock there was a knock on her door.

"Come in" she called out.

Kylo soon entered and grinned when he saw Rey with Satine in one hand and a book in the other. He quickly grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of them.

"What?" He asked when he saw the look on her face. "The two of you looked adorable and I wanted to capture a picture of that moment."

"That is so sweet and corny of you. Save that corniness for your song writing."

He chuckled. Then sat down beside her on the bed. "I remember us doing this in high school all the time. I miss those days. Maybe someday we can get back to that" he said wistfully.

"If you keep acting like you are right now, we just might."

"Really?" He the moved closer to her and put his arms around her shoulders and lightly massaged them.

Rey shivered from his touch but allowed him to continue his ministrations. Once finished he kissed both her shoulders tenderly.

"That was nice. If you promise to do that every time you come see me, you can come everyday."

He then turned her to face him and looked deeply into her eyes, seeing what he needed to see he leaned forward and captured her lips with his. As he moved his lips against hers Rey found herself slowly kissing him back. His tongue soon begged for entrance to her mouth, which after some hesitation she granted. They battled for dominance which Kylo won. This went on for several minutes before Rey finally broke away.

"If I do that too, can I come by every day?

"For that I think you earned a date. I'm not promising anything, and we will have to take things slow, but I want to give it a try and see where this can go this time."

"I like the sound of that. I guess we should work on the project for awhile?"

"We probably should. And then you can sing Satine to sleep."

The next couple hours were spent working and having fun as they talked about random things. But all good things come to an end and soon it was time for Kylo to leave. As promised, Rey let him pick Satine up so he could hold her and sing her to sleep.

After singing a beautiful lullaby he laid her down in her small crib where she was already fast asleep.

"Thanks for letting me come by tonight. It meant a lot to me. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I'm actually going to spend the day with Jessica. She wants to make things up to me in her own way. But I should be back later in the day if you want to do something."

"I'll text you and let you know. I hope you and Jessica have a good time tomorrow. Tell her I want to make things up to her as well." He then gave her a kiss goodnight before he left.

"What a night" she thought to herself as she sat back on her bed and read through her poetry book some more.

When she fell asleep later that night, it was with a huge smile on her face.

To Be Continued....

A/N-I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It was just so easy to write and flowed really well.

I hope you don't think that I had them kiss too soon. It just felt like the right time for Kylo to go for it. Kylo wants to make things up to her and this seemed like a good place to start.

Rey of course will still be cautious and she might be right to but only time will tell. And I totally plan on her and Kylo and Jessica and Finn double dating at some point. Poe may even want to be a part of things with his girl.

Shoutout to Reylo_is_My_Halo for the massage and ice cream idea, I'm totally using it.

Also a shoutout to BlueButterfly96 for the double date idea, I'm definitely using that down the road.

Next chapter will be about a Jessica and Rey having a girls day before classes resume the next day. Should be fun.

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Also if you have any ideas you want me to include in future chapters please let me know! I love hearing from you guys!!

Take care and see you again soon!! ❤️❤️💕💕😁😁😀😀

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt