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After the way the first crazy week of college had gone, Rey was glad it was finally Friday. She was also surprisingly excited about the first party of the year, which considering how her last party had gone, was a miracle. As she sat taking notes in English class that morning she was confident that nothing was going to go wrong today. She shouldn't have gotten her hopes up. Professor Krennic assigned a huge project minutes later.

"For your first major project of the term you will be doing a biography of a famous author. They can also be a poet but you must include two major works they have written and whether either of those works were turned into movies. Also you must include a detailed history of their lives. Everything from the day they were born to the day they died, if they are deceased. Bonus marks if you include visuals. Since this is a big project I will be assigning you a partner to work with. Each of you must contribute an equal amount of work to the project or you will lose marks. You will also lose marks if you plagiarize their work from a website, use your own words, I want to see how creative you are. You have one month to get this done before handing it in to me. Now let's assign your partners shall we?

Finn you will be working with Jessica. Jessica smiled at him and Finn blushed as he looked away.

Poe you will work with Jyn. Jyn sighed but nodded at Krennic's decision.

And Kylo you will work with Rey. He then went on to announce the other pairings but Rey had stopped listening after learning who her partner was. This was a nightmare, how could the professor be so cruel?

"Alright that's it for today. Have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

The class then started shuffling out and Rey had almost made it when Kylo's voice called out to her.

"When do you want to start working on the project?"

"How about next week sometime. I've got an assignment from another class to work on this weekend." She made sure to avoid looking at his face as she said this.

"Very well. But just so you know, you can't avoid me forever. Are you going to the party tonight?"

Rey hesitated, biting her lip before answering him. "I think I'm going. Jessica, Finn, and Poe are, so yeah probably. Are you?"

Kylo nodded. "I'll be coming as well, with Hux and Phasma. I have to get to my next class. See you later."

Once he was gone Rey sighed and wondered what had made her think this was going to be a good day? She too then went to her next class.

Time Skip- The Party

After finding a nice girl from her biology class who wasn't going to the party to watch Satine, Rey finally arrived at the party with Jessica.

"Wow! Jessica exclaimed. Our first college party of the year. Can you believe it Rey?! I finally feel like I'm part of the in crowd!"

"Jessica, you were always fine the way you are. A party doesn't change anything. Now let's find Finn and Poe and have some fun."

They had to weave their way through a lot of bodies to find them. When they finally did Rey could tell Poe was already slightly drunk. Finn smiled when he saw them and waved them over.

"Glad to see you two made it. I wasn't sure you were going to come Rey, you know, after how the last party went."

"I'm putting that behind me. I'm here to have a good time and put that and my stressful first week behind me. She grabbed Finn's hand. Let's dance!"

While the two of them were dancing, Kylo looked on jealously. Phasma caught this and chuckled.

"Jealous are you?"

Kylo huffed. "I'm not jealous, just surprised she'd dance with him that's all. Where's Hux?"

"He went to get us something to drink and probably flirt with every woman he can on the way back."

"Aren't you jealous? After all, I thought you two were an item."

Phasma shrugged. "I'm not worried. He may flirt but I know he'll always come back to me. I'd scare him off if I became all jealous and insecure."

Kylo then noticed that Rey and Finn had stopped dancing and that Finn was now dancing with Jessica. Poe was nowhere in sight. Kylo decided to make his move and went to dance with Rey.

Rey tensed when she saw him heading her way. She thought about bolting but instead held her ground and let him come to her.

"Hello Rey, having a good time? I noticed you were standing her all by yourself and decided to come over and dance with you." He held out his hand expectantly.

Rey reluctantly placed her hand in his and the two of them danced to an upbeat techno song.

"This if fun Kylo spoke after a bit. Reminds me of all the dances we went to in high school. You remember those?

Rey tensed in his arms but then responded with a quiet "yes. I remember those like it was yesterday. Too bad you went and screwed things up."

Kylo pulled back to look at her. "I didn't screw things up Rey. You just keep telling yourself that to justify breaking up with me. He then changed the subject. I'm thirsty, would you like a drink?"

"That sounds good actually." They had just grabbed some punch, Kylo added liquor to his, when Rey got a text on her phone. She paled at seeing what it was about.

"Something the matter?" He asked, seeing how quiet and pale she had gotten.

"I have to go, something important just came up. Will you tell my friends that I had to leave and that I'll talk to them tomorrow."

"Sure, but do you want me to come with you?"

"No, no it's fine." She grabbed her purse and was gone before Kylo could say another word.

To Be Continued....

A/N- Poor Rey can't even have fun at a party. And just when things seemed to be going okay between her and Kylo. They'll have better moments later.

And yes I plan on putting Jessica and Finn together. I think it'll be cute. I hope you're okay with that ButterFly96.

Next chapter we will find out what the emergency is with Satine. And Kylo might get closer to solving the baby mystery. They might also start working on the project.

Thanks again for the fantastic response to this story so far. If you want to see me include something, let me know. I love hearing from you guys!!

Just a friendly reminder, you have until Friday to suggest titles for this story. And if you want to be a part of the story please let me know!!!!

Thanks for reading, take care and have an awesome day!!!! 😀😀😁😁😄😄👍👍

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now