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Rey felt like she was finally in a good place after her breakup with Andrew. She was better able to concentrate on her school work and focus on Satine a lot better. That's not to say that things had been easy after the breakup, on the contrary, there had been a few complications. The first one being that Kylo had to visit the hospital the next morning to have his nose reset properly, he has done it wrong after she left apparently. Then later that same day Andrew had come to Rey begging for her forgiveness and to take him back. Rey of course had said no and then blatantly ignored his texts after that. Today was a good day though, it was Halloween and Rey was busy preparing her costume for the campus Halloween party later that night.

"Nice Costume" Phasma said as she looked over Rey's costume approvingly. "You're going to make a wonderful Cat Woman."

Rey blushed at her praise. "Thank you, I put a lot of thought into this costume so I hope I look okay." She was silent for a moment then said "I love the costume you picked too. You make a wonderful knight."

Phasma looked self conscious at Rey's praise. "You think so? I'm worried that I made the wrong choice. I've always been a bit of a tomboy though so that's why I picked this."

Jessica spoke up hearing Phasma's words. "Who cares what anyone else thinks? You're going to rock that costume tonight and that's all there is to it. I applaud you for being different and staying true to yourself at the same time." She then turned to her two friends. "Now be honest, what do you think of my costume?"

Phasma and Rey studied Jessica's costume appraisingly before answering they're friends question.

"Only you could pull off a video game character" Rey answered her friend honestly.

"I agree with Rey" Phasma replied. "What video game character are you again?"

Jessica sighed. Her friends were definitely not gamers, this would be the third time she had told them who she was today. "I'm 2B from the NieR Automata series. She's the kickass female android from the game. I love her!"

"You truly do look great, Finn will love you in that costume. Now help me finish getting Satine ready, we have to be there soon."

Satine was going to be a little mouse for her first Halloween. It was so she could be the mouse to Rey's cat woman costume. Rey thought she looked adorable, she hoped Kylo would too. She had forgotten to ask his input on a costume after the chaos of the past few days. After putting the finishing touches on their costumes the girls left Rey and Jessica's dorm and headed for the party. It was already in full swing when they arrived. Music was blaring from the speakers, there was spooky decorations and haunted sounds outside, and when they stepped inside there was an area set up for bobbing for apples.

"Here comes Hux" Jessica said elbowing Phasma.

"I hope he likes my costume" Phasma said worryingly.

Hux walked over to them and smiled when he saw Phasma. "You look wonderful in that costume Gwen. Being a knight suits you. I hope you like my werewolf costume, I actually spent a lot of time on this to make sure I look spooky. I want to win the costume contest after all." It was obvious he had spent a lot of time on his costume, he stood a very good chance of winning the contest. "Shall we go test the punch? I brought a bit of alcohol to make it taste better."

Phasma waved goodbye to her friends as she walked off with Hux to get some punch. The two friends were left alone for a bit but made polite conversation with some of the other people at the party.

"Ooh look!" Jessica exclaimed. "Here comes Finn, doesn't he look awesome in his costume?!"

Rey turned around and saw Finn heading towards them with a huge grin on his face. Rey had to admit he looked great in his costume, too bad she didn't know who he was dressed as.

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now