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"What the hell is going on here?" Hux demanded angrily.

"Hux, it really isn't any of your business" Kylo tried saying.

Hux wasn't having that though.

"This is also MY dorm and I have a right to know what's going on in it.
He then threw Michelle's clothes at her.

"Put these on and get out, right now."

Seeing the look on Hux's face she dressed quickly and left without another word.

"Now that the whore is gone, would you mind explaining to me what happened here?"

"I'm not going to bother explaining things to you, I was in a bad mood and needed something to feel better. Michelle knew that and here we are.

"I can't believe you'd do something so stupid, just because Rey is angry with you, you go and pull a stupid stunt like this?! When are you going to realize that you aren't a kid anymore Kylo? You are an adult with a young daughter, act like it for once in your life."

"I suppose your going to tell Phasma about this?"

"Of course I am, we don't keep secrets from each other and we aren't children, like you are."

"Whatever. Goodnight." Kylo then turned on his side and fell asleep.

The next morning

Hux was already gone when Kylo woke up the next morning. Which Kylo was glad about, he didn't need his holier than thou speech.

When he got to english, he noticed that Rey was absent from class, which was unlike her. He leaned over to ask Hux where she was.

"When Phasma told her about what happened between you and that woman last night, Rey had a panic attack and went outside to be alone and calm down. Jessica went with her though just to be on the safe side."

Kylo felt horrible hearing Hux's words. He didn't think Rey would take what had happened that badly. He wondered what he could do to make things up to her?

As soon as class was over, Kylo walked slowly to his music class where he knew he'd have to talk to Michelle about what had happened between them last night. He dreaded it.

He silently hoped she wouldn't be there, but that hope was dashed as soon as he walked in. She was already at a desk taking notes. With a sigh Kylo sat down beside her.

"How'd things go when I left last night? Your roommate seemed pretty upset."

"He's furious with me and barely speaking to me. And I suggest you don't go near him either, he hates you."

"Why? Because we slept together? That's not a crime. He's just being an asshole."

"Trust me, he's actually justified in how he feels. Meet me after class and we'll talk privately."

Looking confused Michelle nodded. A knot of dread forming in her stomach.

They met in Kylo's dorm after class to continue their conversation. Luckily Hux was no where in site.

"What did you mean by Hux was justified in his dislike of me? You promised that you wouldn't use me for sex, did you?!"

"I never meant to hurt you, and I thought that I was justified in what I was doing, but yes I did use you. I'm so sorry." He looked down in shame.

Michelle wasn't moved however. She instead screamed at him." You sick bastard! How could you use me like that?! I may not know Rey but I didn't want to be part of some petty scheme of yours to hurt her. She's an innocent woman with a child, your child no less. Now people are going to think I'm some sort of whore or a home wrecker because of you! What the hell is the matter with you? I hate you and hope you end up alone after what you've done. Don't ever try to talk to me outside of class again, I'm disgusted by you. I hope I get a chance to talk to Rey at some point so I can tell her how sorry I am for what I've done. She didn't deserve it and neither did I. She then hit him in the face with her purse and then kicked him where it hurts before storming off.

Hux who was just arriving back at the dorm chuckled when he saw Kylo on the floor moaning in pain. "You had it coming "friend". I don't feel sorry for you this time." He then walked by Kylo before taking a shower.

Outside campus

Rey meanwhile was trying her best to get herself together for Satine's sake. Jessica had sat with her for awhile before Rey told her she wanted to be alone, and told Jessica to go to her classes. Jessica reluctantly agreed but told Rey to text her if she needed anything.

Rey was just so hurt that Kylo had done what he had done. It was bad enough that he had called his mother about full custody of Satine and not telling her about it, he then lies to her about some other girl. The worst part was, is that Rey had realized Kylo was right during the picnic about her overreacting about Michelle helping him with the pie, Rey realized that as soon as she woke up the next morning. She had actually planned on apologizing today, until she learned Kylo had deep with her last night. Rey was hurt and humiliated beyond belief. She felt so heartbroken and wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to trust any man after this.

"Maybe being a single mother is the best thing for you Satine." She smiled sadly at her sleeping daughter.

"Excuse me are you Rey?"

Rey looked up and saw a girl she didn't recognize standing before her.

"Yes, I'm Rey. Who are you?"

"I want to apologize for what happened last night. I'm Michelle."

Rey stood up and was about to bolt but Michelle stopped her with a tearful voice.

"You have every right to hate me, and I understand why you do. But trust me, I hate Kylo to. I never in a million years would have slept with him if he had told me it was just to get back at you for hurting him. I'm not a whore who sleeps with every guy she talks to, I'm actually here to focus on my future. I know I can't take it back, though I wish I could, but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am. I thought he genuinely liked me, boy was I ever wrong. That guy has some serious issues. I hope things get better for you and your daughter here. I will never bother you again. I said what I had to say." She jogged back to campus, leaving a befuddled Rey behind.

Rey appreciated the girl's apology and even felt bad for her in a way. Kylo had lied to her convincingly and she had fell for it much like Rey had done on occasion.

All the noise had woken up Satine so Rey was rocking the stroller back and forth to lull her back to sleep when someone's shadow appeared in front of her.

"Rey?" Came a firm, polite voice that Rey hadn't heard in a long time.

Rey looked up to see the familiar figure of Leia Organa before her.

To Be Continued....

A/N- Kylo better get his act together fast. He's not gonna have any friends left if he doesn't.

I decided to have Hux tell Phasma because it added more drama that way. It also made Ko realize that he screwed up BIG time.

While Michelle isn't totally blameless, I still hold Kylo's actions mainly against him so I had her turn on him to, her apology to Rey was sincere but don't expect them to be friends lol.

And yes Leia has arrived!! Someone called her and told her to get her butt there pronto so she did. Look for her to comfort Rey in her time of need and also to lay into her son.

Special thanks to all my readers, especially the ones who comment on every chapter. BlueButterfly96, and Reylo_is_My_Halo, and DiscombobulatingBoom. Keep on being awesome!!

Most of all thanks to everyone reading and supporting this story. Your guys's comments and votes are why I keep writing this. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you want to see in the future. Take care and see you with more soon!!

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora