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Rey was awakened by her phone buzzing the next morning. It was a text from Leia saying she was coming to watch Satine while Rey was in classes. Rey quickly got up and dressed so she'd be ready when she arrived.

"What are you doing up already? We don't have class for over an hour yet." Jessica murmured sleepily.

"Leia texted me to say she's coming over to watch Satine for me while I'm in class. I thought I'd get ready now, that way I'm ready when she gets here. You should get ready too."

"Alright." Jessica said with a yawn. "I'll get up." The friends then proceeded to get ready in silence. Luckily, they were ready by the time Leia arrived.

"You're sure you don't mind watching her? She can be a bit of a handful sometimes."

"She can't be any worse than Ben was at that age. Don't worry about it dear, we'll be just fine. If I do run into any problems I'll text you. You just worry about learning and leave the rest to me."

Rey gave her a hug. "Thank you for this." We still got about 20 minutes before class Jessica, do you want to stop by Finn and Poe's dorm so we can walk to class with them?"

At this, Jessica's face lit up. "Yes! I'd like to that! See you later Ms. Organa."

Leia laughed and waved at the girls as they headed off to start their day.

Rey knocked on the boy's dorm to ask them to walk with them to class. A sleepy Poe answered the door.

"Rey, Jessica, what brings you ladies over?"

"Me and Jessica were hoping you and Finn would accompany us to class this morning. Did we wake you up?"

"You woke me up Poe admitted. My alarm didn't go off. Finn's been up for awhile, finishing something for his computer class."

Finn came to see what all the commotion was. He smiled when he saw Jessica and Rey at the door.

"Good morning ladies. Looking for me?"

Jessica blushed. "I was" she admitted.
She then walked straight over to him and gave him a hello kiss. Finn kissed back pretty enthusiastically, maybe with to much enthusiasm as Poe had to whistle to get his attention.

"Alright lovebirds break it up. We get it." He turned to Rey. Will you be okay waiting with these two while I finish getting ready?"

Rey nodded. "Hurry up though. We're covering one of my favourite authors in English today and I want to be there on time."

Poe was super quick getting ready. Must have been from getting ready for football practices. The others had gone inside to sit down when Rey realized she dropped her phone outside. She was going to go look for it when someone spoke to her.

"I believe this is your phone?" Rey tensed realizing who had it. She turned around to see Kylo holding it out for her. She quickly took it from him. "Thanks" she said quietly.

"Your welcome. Cute screensaver by the way. You and Satine look cute there. I was wondering if I could see her today? I haven't seen her for a few days and I miss her."

Rey thought about saying no for a moment, he didn't deserve to see her after the stuff he'd pulled. She then changed her mind. She'd be the bigger person and say yes, regardless of what he'd done, he was still Satine's father.

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now