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"What's wrong?" Rey asked frantically when she got back to the dorm.

The babysitter, Ruby looked up with tears in her eyes. "I don't know. She just started burning up all of a sudden and then broke out in a rash. I don't know what to do, she won't stop crying."

"We have to take her to the hospital Rey said. They'll be able to tell us what's wrong there. Come on let's go!"

Rey put Satine into her bassinet and then her and Ruby drove quickly to the hospital. They got there in about 15 minutes due to light traffic at that time of night. After parking Rey ran into the hospital and straight to the emergency room.

"My baby is running a fever and has a rash on her chest. I'd like someone to check her out right now!

The nurse, a kind elderly woman smiled then replied. "Of course miss. Don't worry, a doctor should be with you momentarily. If you'll kindly take a seat over there."

Rey nodded and thanked the nurse before taking a seat beside a distraught looking Ruby.

She took Ruby's hands in hers reassuringly "don't worry Ruby, you did nothing wrong, this isn't your fault. Everything is going to be fine, you'll see."

Ruby looked at her surprised. "How are you so calm about all of this? You must have nerves of steel."

"Oh trust me, I'm a wreck on the inside, I'm just trying to keep myself calm so I don't breakdown. I'll feel better once I get her checked out."

Luckily a few minutes later the nurse escorted them to a cubicle and the doctor came in a few minutes later. After doing a thorough examination he was able to make a prognosis.

"Based on the symptoms I'm seeing here I'm confident in saying that your daughter has a case of Roseola. Has she been experiencing a runny nose and loss of appetite?"

"She hasn't been as hungry but I thought she was just being finicky. What can I do for her to make her more comfortable?"

"Roseola can last anywhere from 3-7 days. After that it should just clear up on it's own. You can apply a cool compress to help bring the fever down, otherwise you have to let it run it's course. If it doesn't clear up in 7 days come back here and we can order further tests." He shook her hand then left.

"Well we better get back to the campus so I can let Satine get some rest. I actually think we can all use it Rey said with a yawn."

When they got back to campus Rey paid Ruby for her services then went straight to bed.

She was rudely awakened the next morning by someone knocking on her door. Still half asleep she went to answer it. She almost fainted when she opened the door.

"Kylo! What the hell are you doing here? How did you find out where my dorm was?

"Poe told me when I told him you took off last night. He was worried about you, as was I. So what happened last night? You look like hell."

He then caught a glimpse of a baby in a bassinet and frowned. I was told you didn't have a child. What's one doing in your dorm room? Don't lie to me, is she yours?"

"She's mine yes, but before you ask, I don't know who the father is. It was a random one nightstand."

Kylo frowned angrily. "You told me that you had never been with anyone else. What else have you lied to me about?"

"I don't owe you any explanations. And now is not the time to do this. MY daughter is resting. She had a very rough night last night."

Kylo's face softened slightly at that. "What's wrong with her? Anything serious?"

"She has a common baby condition called Roseola. She should be better in a week or so."

Kylo stared at Satine in wonder then shook his head and turned his attention back to Rey.

"I have my books with me and my laptop with me. I know you won't want to go to the library but would you like to work on the project with me here in your dorm. I see Jessica isn't here so it shouldn't be a problem. And it will also keep you close to the baby so you won't have to worry as much. What do you say?"

"Alright. But promise you won't start playing your emo music or drone on about your grandfather for hours like you used to do in high school."

Kylo mock frowned in hurt. But soon started laughing.

"You've got yourself a deal, as long as you have snacks in here so I'm not tempted to start playing my "emo" music."

Laughing, Rey pulled out a couple of bags of chips from her backpack. After handing him a bag the pair got to work.

To Be Continued....

A/N- I had to look up what I wanted to be wrong with Satine. I wanted something minor but yet something a young mother wouldn't really know about. Roseola is a real thing and that's why I went with it.

And yay Satine unknowingly brought Rey & Kylo closer together. But don't forget Kylo doesn't know she's his daughter yet.... it'll be trouble when he does find out.

Lastly, I need help deciding on what Kylo and Rey's majors should be. Please comment or suggest different options to me, I'm really stuck there. And I want them to have different ones, I don't want them to have the same careers.

Thanks again for the fabulous response to this story. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!!

Take care and see you with more soon!!!! 😁😁😀😀😄😄👍👍

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now