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Rey was quite busy the next few days. The assignments were piling up in classes and Satine's teething was just getting worse. She was glad it was finally time for her date with Andrew.

She hugged her little girl tight and rocked her in her arms as she waited for Kylo to come and babysit her.

She heard the door open and assumed Kylo had finally arrived, she looked up, only to see Jessica enter instead.

"Hey girl, you look nice, you going somewhere tonight?" Jessica asked her friend.

"I'm going to the movies with Andrew actually, I'm just waiting for Kylo to show up to look after Satine."

A look of concern flashed across Jessica's face. She bit her lip before asking Rey a question that had been on her mind for a few days now.

"Rey, do you actually like Andrew? or are you just dating him to get back at Kylo or something?"

Rey looked at her friend aghast. "How can you ask me that? Of course I like Andrew, maybe not to the point he likes me, but I still like him. I would never date someone just to get back at someone else."

Jessica nodded her head in apology. "I'm sorry I accused you of that, I'm just concerned about you, I feel like you're forcing yourself to feel something for him. If it's not working, just end it, there's no law saying you have to stay with him forever." She paused for a moment. "Besides, I think you might still have feelings for Kylo and if you do, then you need to end things with Andrew before they go to far."

Just as Rey was about to respond, there was a knock on the door, signalling Kylo's arrival.

"Come in!" Rey called out.

Kylo opened the door slowly and smiled when he saw Jessica wave enthusiastically at him. He then frowned when he saw Rey rocking a crying Satine in her arms.

"What's wrong with Satine? Is she feeling alright?"

"She's still teething so she's a little cranky. Just let her chew on this thing I bought her and she should settle after awhile." She studied him closely and noticed he had dark circles under his eyes. "Are you alright? You look exhausted."

He waved off her concern. "It's nothing, I'm fine. Go have fun on your date. I'll be here when you get back."

Rey looked at him uncertainly but after another look from him she made to leave.

"Be good for daddy Satine, mommy will be back later to kiss you goodnight." Then with a smile and wave to both Kylo and Jessica, she left.

Kylo noticed how Jessica looked at Rey a little concerned as she left.

"Jessica, is there something going on with Rey that I should know about?"

Jessica looked up at him, startled by his question. "Um no, why do you ask?"

Kylo scoffed. "You've always been a bad liar Jessica. I can tell that you're hiding something, what is it? I just want to help, if I can" he said pleadingly.

"I'm really sorry Kylo but I can't tell you. You are my friend, but Rey is to and I can't betray her confidence by telling you something that isn't your concern." She patted his shoulder in apology, then smiled. "I've got nothing planned for tonight, why don't you and I hang out and catch up while looking after Satine together?"

A genuine smile broke out on his face at this suggestion. "I think that's a fantastic idea. I'll even play one of your weird video games with you if you want."

Jessica grinned at this. "You're on!" As they were playing, the two friends started talking about various things. After some friendly chit chat Jessica decided to ask a question that had been bugging her for a long time. "I need to know why you did it, why did you sleep with Michelle?"

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now