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Rey was abruptly shaken awake the next morning by an eager Jessica.

"Come on sleeping beauty, time to get up so we can get ready to go for our massages at the massage parlour!"

"Alright, Alright. Just let me get ready first, I also need to get Satine ready and feed her. We should have something to eat as well."

"We can stop in the way. I have more than enough money for breakfast. Finn gave me some and said it was on him. He wants us to have fun today."

As Rey was getting ready she received a text from Kylo telling her to have fun and that he would see her later as planned. There was a heart ❤️ beside the message.

Smiling widely Rey sent one back saying she was excited to see him, heart ❤️ included. Whistling to herself, she fed Satine and then her and Jessica set off.

They first stopped at the same place Kylo and Rey were at the day before. Luckily the waiter from yesterday wasn't working and after a quick breakfast they set off again. It was a bit of a ride to the massage parlour so the two friends chatted about anything they could think of.

"So did you have fun with Finn last night?"

"I did. I totally kicked his butt playing that new video game the first time. So we played another game and he beat me that time, though to be fair I wasn't trying as hard as I usually do. We then talked about our college goals and what we want to do once we finish our majors. I told him I want to be a digital artist, and he wants to be a computer animator and work on animated films. We ended the night with a kiss and a promise to do it again soon."

"I never knew Finn was such a romantic. I'm very happy for the two of you. I'm glad it's going well so far."

"What about you?" "How was your evening with Kylo?"

Rey blushed "it was a perfect evening. "We reminisced about our high school relationship and how each of us wants to try and find our way back to that. He gave me a shoulder/neck massage, and then he kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back? Was there tongue involved? Did he grope your boobs?"

"Yes I kissed him back, and of course there was tongue. He dominated the kiss by the way. And no he did not grope my boob, I pulled away before it could go further than that. That was the point that I agreed that I want to try things between us again, as long as we take it slow. He then sang Satine a lovely lullaby and kissed me goodnight before he left."

"That sounds like one romantic night. When are you going to see him again?"

"Later today I think. I'm not sure what we'll do but he promised he would come by. Actually he kinda begged if I'm honest. I loved it!"

"Just be careful okay? And if he does anything stupid let me know and I'll kick his butt for you."

"Noted. Though I might keep coming his butt too."

Soon they arrived at the massage parlour. It was a huge place and really expensive looking.

"Jessica, this place looks amazing! I do hope you didn't pay too much for our massages."

"Don't worry about it. I called my folks and told them you and I had a big argument and that I wanted to do something nice to make it up to you. They immediately offered to pay for whatever I decided on. They really like you Rey and had no problem helping me out. And don't worry, I didn't tell them what the fight was about."

Rey hugged her best friend with tears in her eyes. "Thank you for this and for being such an awesome friend. I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you. Can you forgive me for it?"

Rekindled - A Kylo Ren & Rey College Story(DISCONTINUED/PERMANENT HIATUS!!)Where stories live. Discover now