Chapter 13 crouching tiger hidden Jedi

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You walked up the path you made. Showing no sign of other beings around you. You wanted a clear view of your surroundings, so you climbed a very large tree till you could see out above the canopy. You saw a large ship with hundreds of the troopers you grown to despise around it. You could tell they where here for something. You slide down the tree and hurried over in that direction.

Just over a hill you crouched and looked behind some small plants. A Jedi was there. She was young and was a sky blue color with two long head tails that darkened up as they wend down her back. You knew right there this was your prey. You had no other desire but to kill her for the greater good.

You waited. Staying right where you could see her always. You watched her movements until she told the troopers part ways with her. You knew that this would be the best time. Best shot. She started down the path you came from. You let her get some distance before you started to follow. You didn't want the troopers to hear her and you wanted to make sure it would be easy.

You came up, started to walk behind her 20ft away. She stopped. So did you. You turned on your saber as she spun around looking startled. "Who are you? You.. You are a sith??" She sounded panicked. You didn't say anything as you jumped at her. The light sabers clashed together. Hers was blue. She was strong but not near as strong as you. Clashing back and forth till all the plants around you where gone.

"You are the new sith from Dooku and Grievous. Why be so low?" Said the Jedi. This angered you as she pushed you back towards some trees. She knew nothing of your side. Why would she even think she could understand. "Jedi code is the definition of being low. Jedi leave behind, Jedi can't make peace they start wars." You let her come at you. The sparks flying from the sabers filled the dark sky.

"Enough.. You waste my time young Jedi. Why you turn down this path I don't know but it's your choice. Your choice that lead to your demise." You picked her up using the force. Choking her as you did. She squirmed in the air. She  snarled at you making you laugh. This made her throw her light saber at you. It cut your sleeve making you release the girl. She fell to the ground and started to run back to her base.

You groaned and bared your teeth at her. Picking up her saber that she most conveniently left. You turned it on and through it towards her. The light saber flew through the air straight to the Jedi. It pierced the chest of the girl making her fall on the ground with a thud.

Out of breath you walked up and pulled the saber back turning it off. The Jedi was lifeless on the ground. You placed the saber in your pocket with yours and sat down on the ground. You looked back at the Jedi again. You didn't feel sorry for the Jedi. But you didn't want some animal just taking her body away. So you lifted up a large portion of the ground using the force. You placed the Jedi down and covered her back with with the soil.

"It's only fair you get to have that. Even if you did deserve to die. At least rest in peace." You said as you left her and walked to your ship.

The ship was already ready to go but it seemed that troopers already found your ship. All your droids where down. It was just you. You crept around to the back of the ship, making it inside. You could see only 5 trooper remained in front of the ship. You sat down in the pilot seat. Crap.. This isnt good. I'm not a pilot! You thought to yourself. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes hovering your hands over the controls. Letting the force show you.

"Hey! Get out of there! Get the sith!!" Said a trooper. You opened your eyes and smiled. You closed the door and mashed a sequence of buttons that turner the ship on. It lifted off the ground and accelerated up into the sky. You hit a few trees but nothing major before you where out of reach and out of the planets atmosphere.

Just a note to my followers.
Please know I hope to make the best for everyone and keep this story going. I hope to see everyone happy with the way it's going and when I have free time I will keep shooting chapters out here and there. Again thank you for all the support!

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You can also find me on snap chat! Be my friend!!
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You can also find me on snap chat! Be my friend!!I will add my snap chat below also so everyone can find me ;)

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