Chapter 24 more than regret

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Ok welcome back! Glad everyone loves this book and sorry for the turn I did there. It will all be ok.. Maybe... Well I'm sick AF and what else can I do but cough sneeze and what not? Well let's write. I missed you guys!

Your eyes started to flutter open from seeing a sunrise out the window you where facing. You could see a lake just out past the railing of the balcony. It seemed like a good day. Everything was calm. You where sore from not sure what. You had a large empty void in your mind. You must have blacked out lastnight. All you remembered was grevious' transmission in the bathroom.

You where about to turn when you felt an arm on your waist. Maybe it was Grievous. He must have came back early from his trip. But to your surprise it wasn't. You touched flesh. Your heart started to pound. What the hell happened lastnight. Who was in this bed with you? With a deep breath you pulled the large fluffy covers away beside you to expose Mauls face. He was laying face down into the pillow. His mouth open pretty much passed out.

You threw the covers back on him letting out a loud "ARGH!!!" That's when you realized you where naked! Shit! This can't be happening? Or happened?    Your loud yell must have woke Maul as he started to stir. You grabbed the cover and wrapped yourself up. Scooting to the far side of the bed. Your face getting super red with anger and frustration. Maul rubbed his eyes turning to his side full nude. You looked away with pure annoyance.

"What's wrong doll? Can't remember the fun we had last night?" He was smirking only a sith could do. Your eyes wanted to water but you held it back. Your anger to him was outweigh by the hatred you had for yourself. "We had sex last night..." Your words shuddering. He chucked again before his hand came up to try to touch your face. "Oh yeah we did. And you liked every part of it." As soon as his fingers touched your face you slammed your eyes shut.

Darth Maul flew back and fell into the ground with a large thud. Things started flying around braking with your anger. Why could you do this.. This was the worst thing that could happen. You betrayed the only person that cared about you. You felt worthless. "What the fuck.. You need to get a grip. It was a one time thing and no one will know." Your eyes shot open as you looked at Maul at the door. He looked shocked as you glared at him. "Your eyes they are red. Freaky, you must have found the anger you needed finally. Good for you." With that maul put his pants back on and walked out the room.

You bellowed out. All your emotions came at once. Throwing the covers off you ran over to grab any cloths that would fit in the closet. Luck for your naked bootie, there was pants and a shirt that fit great. Even though you didn't care. You grabbed your corset and your saber from the floor. You didn't want the dress you didn't want to even think what happened. Before you went to find your cloak out in the rest room you stopped at the mirror on the wall.

You saw a sith stairing back at you. Your eyes where bright bright red. Not your normal color eyes. You didn't recognize you. You could feel the rage poring out of them. Tears started to fall down them as you began to cry. You sobbed but then you clinched your teeth together as you felt hate for your self take over.

The mirror burst instantly from your rage. You ran away tears still falling, out to the balcony. Leaning up against a large pillar you sobbed in defeat. "I'm such a fool. What have I done. I.. I.. Messed everything up. I wouldn't never have done this... To Grievous." You closed your crying eyes, then you had a flash back of Ventress holding a small drink that you take. Then the words what happens at the manor stays at the manor. Go kiss someone. Your eyes flew open. She drugged you. Your rage built up even more. You wanted to kill her. It was all her fault this happened.

You stopped crying. From rage and anger took over. You wanted to give it all to Ventress, you wanted it out of you. Before you could do this several large ships came down over the manor. They where clone trooper assault ships. Clone troopers jumping down onto the manor below you. You watched as they started gunning down and killing innocent people. You didn't know why they came here but you wasn't about to let them leave alive.

Jumping down off the balcony you used your rage to kill every clone in your path. You ran up the path beside the large building. Making your way around to the ship dock. That's where you saw Ventress jumping into a ship. She wasn't fighting she was running. Not her fight not her problem you guessed.    Her ship started to take off. You grabbed a rock and with some force aiming it went right into one of the engines. The ship instantly started to spiral down and crashed into the near by forest. You felt that was karma for one day on her but you had a bigger problem. While you where watching Ventress crash you didn't see that you where surrounded by clones.

"Put your weapon down Sith. We have orders to arrest any sith or eliminate anyone that does not comply." You turned off your saber. And lowered it to the ground. When you came back to stand up though, your face wasn't defeat. But smirking. For you had rage built up that needed to be released. You fingers closed fast into fists. Instantly all the clones around you fell to the floor with broken necks. Your teeth clinched tight you pointed at one ship still in the air. With one motion you pulled your finger in, fist then down to the ground. The ship followed your commands and fell to the earth. Large blast of fire and it was destroyed.

You walked away back down to the yard and grass of the manor. Dead troopers littered the yard. Screams from people as the fled from the manor in panic where threw the air. You felt relieved though. You knew you didn't do this on purpose. That you where not in control. And maybe just maybe Grievous would understand. Just one more thing to do. You sat down in the grass facing the small lake away from the manor. You heard someone say your sith name so you turned around. Darth Maul was walking down to you.

"You killed all those clones yourself at the ship dock. That's crazy rage." You looked at him. With a I don't give a shit look before looking back at the water. "Your eyes are not red now." You knew this even with no mirror this time. "Maul. I'm going to tell you what your going to do. Cause I'm tired. I was used as a friend and I was drugged." You stood up slowly turned around and faced him. "I'm going to tell you something. You have two options. End up like one of those clones or never come near me again. Us being friends is over. That ship is long gone." He looked at your dead serious face. He folded his arms in front of his chest. "Really.." He started to chuckle. "You just don't get it. But I wouldn't be the one that will kill you. My boyfriend would. So your choice. I'm to the point where I'm done living a life no one knows." You said with the most stern tone. Still not angry. Confident and courageous.

"You can't seriously have a boyfriend. Your bluffing. I know it. You making this up is ridiculous." You laughed at his attitude. You pointed at one ship still on the dock "Get in that ship up there and leave. I'm staying here to wait for MY Grievous's return. He needs catch up on everything that has happened in the past few hours."

Well my friends and fellow wattpadians lol I hope this was a turn around point to what happened and makes you say ok.. Good no hard feelings. Some people  didn't like the lemon some did.. It's kinda like Jar Jar.. Haha jk but either way I think this chapter came out very well!

As always star! Comment if you liked it.. Comment if you didn't! I don't care! Haha and follow me! You following me gets you benefits! You get to be a top fan! You get your voice heard! I take your ideas more seriously!!

Well either way I love you all.
Thanks for the support! We hit 3k likes this past week on this story!!!

That's crazy

But again cant thank you enough.

<3 the awesome opossum

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