❤~When He Gets Jealous~❤

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Optimus Prime:

He tries not to focus on it too much, he knows it is an immature emotion. And he has complete faith that you're completely loyal to him and only him. However, when push comes to shove he becomes terribly quiet, but don't fret. He just needs some time to himself.


He will do whatever it takes to get the other away from you. Countless distractions, interruptions,  whatever it takes. It's quite comical, actually. If it becomes too much for him he'll resort to just dragging you away and beeping angrily at the mech trying to take what was his.


He tries to ignore, as he believes it's foolish to become pestered or angered through pure jealousy. He's too old for this type of drama. However, if he becomes irritated enough, he'll whip out a trusty wrench and fling it so fast the competition won't even know what hit him.


He's easily provoked with jealousy, it's a little insecurity of his honestly. He knows that he can be quite.. childish and he's secretly afraid that one day you'll find someone a bit more mature. Because of this rash thinking, his green eyed monster can lead him into fist fights and other violence.


He's bad enough when he's angry, adding in jealousy to the mix equals complete rage mode. If it's a Vehicon, the poor things are doomed to be offlined and turned to scrap metal. If it's someone else aboard the Nemesis, they are punished and threatened to the point where he's assured it'll never happen again.


He only has one warning, he absolutely will not tolerate anyone else trying to get a little too "friendly" with you.  And when someone decides to push his buttons, he can get a bit aggressive in the situation. He's not stupid, but he knows what's his and he plans to keep it that way.


He doesn't really worry about other mechs, his ego won't allow it. I mean why would you even consider anyone else when you already have Knockout? He makes others jealous. That's the way it is. He doesn't mind putting perverted mechs in their place, though. "Servos off my femme, or you won't be coming off the operating table."

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