❤~Sweet Treats~❤

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A/N: As a Latina, Megatron eating flan is soul empowering.

Optimus Prime:

Not really a sugarbot when it comes to sweets, but he does enjoy regular, old school energon goodies. He likes surprising you with them even more as Jack has told him its like giving a girl a box of chocolates. He's more of a giver than a taker, but hey. Doesn't mean the big O can't enjoy his damn goodies.



Bee loves sugar. Period. There is no favorite because they all taste so good. Of course, too much sugar in his circuits gets him hyperactive. But he's just nothing but a sugar rush, totally harmless. S/N and Bumblebee start bouncing off the walls and its adorable.



Also not much of a candymech, but he still has his taste. His favorite are "Jeeps" because they're not as messy to eat as other goodies. They're easy to snack on while working and they have no filling, which means nothing will get sticky. The sweet is pretty firm on the inside but soft and fluffy on the inside, it suits the medic's personality.



ZipZapz. Definitely Zipzapz. Silver + High Grade Zipzapz = Smokescreen's weakness. They're fun to eat, due to the firm texture and gooey insides, but that's mostly just for pranking Y/N. Its amusing to see her get sticky (I'm going to hell), and struggle to wipe it off. Careful though, too many high-grade bars can lead to a different type of sticky situation. If you catch my drift.


Megatron: Eating solids can be..quite challenging for Megatron. His sharp denta were not exactly engineered for that purpose really. Thankfully, energon really isn't a solid food. And thankfully again, oil cake isn't either. Besides someone as high and mighty as Megatron only deserves the best delicacies. Plus, he wants to impress Y/N with nothing but the best so the Vehicons better be bringing in the quality shit or have their sparks ripped out.



Soundwave is a classy mech when it comes to treats. So energon wine or Kremzeek is more his speed. His digits make it kinda difficult to eat so he likes to drink a bit more. Its easier to share with Y/N too, as you can use two straws and such. He doesn't really like anything hard like High-Grade or a little extra vintage. As his duties come first so he must always be prepared for whatever happens.



He likes to both eat and give Y/N Energon Pops. For obvious reasons, really. But Y/N is a sweet, innocent femme so has no idea what his true intentions are, other than he's giving his INNOCENT little femme candy. At least that's what Knockout says, but then again Y/N is too INNOCENT so she just rolls with it and sucks on that damn pop like any other pop. Don't mind Knockout blushing he's just so amazed at how adorable you look, because you're so INNOCENT.


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