Part 2:

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Today is my first-ever tour inside around & outside of the darn mansion finally, and guess who are going to escort and show everything to me?????? *yeah that's right-----those 'woods brothers' and Toby as well------but there's only two things which their not allowed to do.....if you know what they are!!!!!!!* "so this is the garden, sometimes we hang out here whenever we get bored-----and well you get the idea!" Jeff said to me shyly making Liu & Toby nod "ooooh just look at all of these gorgeous flowers------well not really the damn roses though, the disgusting things why the hell do they even have to exist anyways, also my stupid @$$ middle name is freaking rose and i hate it so much, damn it why mother??????" i whispered to myself but in question as i made a disgust sound; *just enough for Jeff, Toby and Liu to hear what i've said.......LOLZ!!!!!!* "aww man.....Steph doesn't like roses at sad that is!!!!!!" Toby said to Jeff and Liu "then just say it right in Offender's face----see how he feels about that!!!!!!" Liu told us "oh believe me------i would so love to do that, and so i probably might do it, just you wait and see boys....i swear to you!!!!!!!!" i replied back totally sarcastically, "oh daaaayaaaam girl!" i heard all three of them say in sync which only made me giggle softly; then of nowhere we saw that 'certain slender' teleport to where we are right in front of us. "i heard what all of you said, including whatever Toby had told you.....that wasn't so nice!!!!!" Offender said to us angrily with his ugly tentacles coming outta his back and moving around like crazy "but who in the f@#king hell says that i am tryna be nice to an idiotic & ugly guy like your own freaking damn kind, HOLLOW?!?!" i shot back very darkly with my own hands twitching and shaking like crazy and my fangs bared at him, while almost taking out my weapon because of how much i wanted to kill that hollow right where he stood and now! "oh snap!!!!!!!" Liu yelled "ooooh she just roasted him pretty good!" Toby said "dayam that was a good one.....Steph!!!!!!" Jeff replied to me (1 hour later------after we've finished with the gosh damn tour.......finally cause i had nearly killed that ugly hollow brother.......but instead Toby along with Jeff & his brother had to forcefully take me back to the mansion working all together to make sure it happened, which just wasn't really too easy for all three of those poor guys because of how ticked off and strong i was....and they where outta breath after finally arriving back!!!!!!!) "that stupid hollow better not have told Slender about what happened back in the garden......otherwise i freaking swear to you all!!!!!!!" i estated very angrily while storming back inside the mansion with my weapon unsheathed and me twirling it around on my finger after the guys let me go: "i know right!!!!!!!" Liu told me. (plus he was the first guy to speak, after whatever happened with Offender back in the garden!!!!!!) while watching me still twirling my favorite golden dagger around. "that still makes him an idiot------no way to get out of it------like at all!!!!!!!!" Toby said making me laugh really really really hard "Ahem sorry. i meant to do that sometimes....." i said back very nervously. but still not putting away my dagger but still keep twirling it and i was now thinking about stabbing somebody with it. (Possibly since i was afraid and still pretty upset about moving here-----with none of my siblings or parents here to comfort and support me what-so-ever-----i just wanna go back home to Atlanta!!!!!!!) "Ummm you should probably put it back in where it belongs.....otherwise you'll get in trouble if you don't!!!!!!!" Toby told me while pointing at the weapon in my hand: "oh yeah sorry about that------my bad, this just happens either unexpectedly when i am not in a good mood, or if nothing ever goes my way------anyway thanks for telling me that!!!!!!!!" i replied as i sheathed it and put it away on my left hip, and while not still thinking about obeying my thought now and he nodded: 'yeah it's just like you intend to almost get yourself into trouble sometimes. i swear that my very own host is way more crazier then my siblings.' Evan said to me in her mind 'shut up just for once in a while in your whole life why don't you evans like oh my freaking gawd no wonder Shadow and Vitani stopped talking to you 10 months apart ever since!!!!!' i shot back at her totally irritated, then i heard her gasp and i didn't hear anything back from her for the rest of the day. then i pushed her at the back of my mind just in case: "oh good.....finally some peace and quiet to myself for the whole day without getting bothered by my hybrid.....i freaking swear that she gets on my nerves for nothing, mostly on purpose sometimes!!!!!!!!!" i told myself quietly so nobody can hear it. "Oh damn i like this girl.....maybe i'll wait until it's time for us to get paired with each-other.....but for now just leave that until then!!!!!!!" Liu told himself very quietly.

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