Part 33:

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*My FLASHBACK to back when drew wasn't born yet:* "hahaha Liu stop it's too ticklish!!!!!!!" i said while laughing hysterically with a great hint of reddish pink tint on my cheeks because of whatever my boyfriend Liu was doing to me; "nope that is not going to happen......." he told me then out of nowhere i grabbed his wrists and pushed them away from me like really hard until he fell to the ground, which caused everyone including me to laugh mentally. and my siblings as well. "Ouch what the fecking hell was that for???????" he asked me "i don't know......oh wait it's just the usual thing that i normally refuse to stop doing......" i replied "hey do you want my sissy's kid to be like the both of you?!?!" my brother said but in question; "and by the way if you mean like never stop cussing------then yeah of course, who the hell doesn't!!!!!!!" he told Carl "damn it could you not argue with my brother now?!?!?!" i asked right after face-palming really hard: "you do know that my sister becomes like this if she's angry.......or something else more like that but you never know when it's gonna happen.......from just about anything like this kinda stuff!!!!!!!" Carl growled "jeez calm the hell down the both of you guys......and could you please stay out of this just for once in a while, brother dear?!?!" i said back to my brother but in question. "ugh fine whatever the hell you say, sissy! but just don't expect me to be of any help to you guys if something doesn't go your way or whatever the hell you call it, cause i am kind of done with stuff like this for a while-------so count on & go with it already Steph!!!!!!!!!" he told me. "and i am totally more then done with being on your side for my whole life as well as i am with father's i will also be treating you like something else besides a brother who i still don't wanna get along with, had nothing to do with him, had not given him any sort of attention after he was born, always pretended that he was invisible and nowhere close to me, and never given or chose to love him for apparent reasons, and other stuff like that as well at least for the whole month while he grew either you choose to like it or not cause it doesn't matter to me, and i would positively appreciate it a whole lot if you did so!!!!!!!!" i said back: "Whoa damn easy there, you really don't have to be such a meanie to me.....i am still your brother.....but you just don't understand that!!!!!!!" he told me "then it's probably all because i chose not to understand sugar honey ice tea such as that, just like you don't understand anything in or about what i believe and other sheet as well......also either way your still a stupid idiot and following deserve to have been born a loser and whatever else in our old family, except for me and Judith mostly because we're the favorite daughters of our parents!!!!!!!!!!!" i exclaimed then stormed off into my room: "yeah and we've been 'cursed' with a brother like YOU in a family who doesn't even DESERVE a son who is just nothing but an idiot!" Judy replied back

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