Part 9: My Funny Business Time With.....Homicidal Liu :3

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So tonight i am going into the so-called 'slender' woods (& you wouldn't guess who else is coming with me.....uhh yeah it's one of the woods brothers.....but we have a very frisky & mischievous idea going on inside of our minds, and nobody knows about it!!!!!) "hey so umm steph, when can i like you know.....let sully come out, if that's okay with you???????" liu asked me quite/kind of randomly out of nowhere/the blue. "oh uhh well about that------i guess that wouldn't be so bad------whatever, well anyways let me tell you something it definitely is okay with me!!!!!!" i told him; 'hey what about me steph.....can't i be out of here too????????' evans asked me as she made a small whine like a puppy meaning she was about to cry any time now. which only made me feel pretty bad for her. 'umm yeah sure.....i cannot forget about my favorite hybrid friend, you know that i would never dream about at all!!!!!!" i said to evans and seeing her grin excitedly "oh umm louis, i've got someone i think who wants to meet with sully....." i said *two seconds later-----after evans was introduced to sully-----* "oh wow steph, i didn't expect that sully would've gotten along so well with anybody like this before....." liu explained to me as we just watched my best friend & her boyfriend mess around in front of us. "and i am like so happy that evans finally got a boyfriend of her very own, she was always bothering me about it for like 12 weeks ever since i first came just look at this....." i replied boredly and i just let out a sigh of sadness out of nowhere. then i told liu why i was so upset and then after------it caused us to have: 'funny business' *and probably so did evans & sully as well, right after we did of course!!!!!!!!* then he got off me and we put our stuff back on, while i dusted off my clothes and fixed up my messy blonde hair too;

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