Another Biological Description Thingy Of Me.

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OKAY then so this'll be yet another biological description thingy of me, *also i am terribly sorry if any of these are offensive or anything else like that-------so i am putting this in here just in case-------sorry about that, oh wait no i'm not!*
Looks as evans the inner monster: bright blue-ish kind of white fur, & white-ish eyes with no pupils: *P.S. evans can always change her eye colors against her very own will, it also depends on her moods, and the most prettiest thing ever about my hybrid is that her fur can also change it's colors too.....but only during the seasons, her moods, & even against her own will just as well as her eye colors do!!!!!* please take a look at the picture above. it has the same description for Evans as well.
Looks as myself: *AKA my normal form that i always prefer to use, besides my shifted hybrid form!!!!!!* i have got very long shoulder length golden blonde hair, firey-orange eyes and pale-ish white skin, along with that certain symbol with an x inside of it on my left arm but sometimes you can actually see my fangs coming out rather then being hidden: (especially when i am likely on killing sprees.....) and of course that damn scar that i had created 'for no reason what-so-ever like at all!' on my right arm below the wrist from last yesterday night, and last of all my long soft & of course fluffy hybrid tail & ears only seem to appear in this form as well.
Looks as a human: (ewwww!) i have got like very long cocoa brown hair, icy blue-ish eyes, and pasty white skin, but i still have the same old symbol and razor scar on my arms in this form and of course last but not least my hybrid fangs, ears and tail are hidden. but i don't really use this form as much anymore. only during the aftermath of my sprees for instance, so that is probably the one reason why i'm always in my other forms of course. (such as 1 & 2: my normal self, and evans too......but not ever including my human one. ewwwww.) but i definitely still may be "suicidal" half of the very time and make all these wounds everywhere of course, but if it kicks in again for a second or third gets even worse; *so that is the reason why some of my pasta friends around here call me the suicidal hybrid girl!!!!!!!!*
Do you wanna know her secrets? okay but the hybrids aren't going to be happy about this. my hybrid character sometimes thinks that she is a potato along with everything else, but a very gorgeous and mean one though, cause she still keeps her sanity at 1200% when she's on that wolfing out level cause only 3% is lost but it comes back again when she calms down but if she gets annoyed to the max level then she snaps: it either goes to 100% or 12% *uh-oh!*
How does your family know when your about to shift into evans anyway?!?! well first off when the whole ground starts to shake, then i fall onto the ground with blood falling outta my nose and mouth slowly at the same time, and with me making weird noises like growling and when i finish transforming & then howl at the moon and the dark sky knowing that she has finally taken over full control of my whole body *which is only nearly about 10 hours mind you......and no more longer then that!!!!!!!!!!* but if only idiots like my own brother don't back away when told to, then i think about ending and of course taking away their miserable and oh-so lonely lives if they wanted me to or not......and they don't really notice that it's actually pretty much a death wish that either he/she wants to come true for their own good!!!!!! (Hahaha silly dumb people, also whenever i do kill a stupid mortal human from 'the human world' i not only take their lives away but give them to each of the hybrids to feed on and get stronger then ever before only during the weekends, because i'm just nice, funny and last but not least cool in that way!!!!!!!!)

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