I Break A Promise To My Family. 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻

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*my flashback to BEFORE i was FORCED to go to the FREAKING creepypasta mansion.....* "Steph whatever it is you do-----you cannot show your dark side to anybody there just yet-----but only if you trust them completely.....and promise me you'll do this for us, and remember that whenever you do become a creepypasta we'll still love you.....including your brother and little sister as well!!!!!!!" my mom said to me "but do you really have to go, Steph????" Carl asked me while almost sounding as if he was going to have a melt-down by the way his eyes were getting blurry and watering a little bit "yeah i really do have to go-----and besides i am going to miss you guys a lot, but i promise that it's gonna be you and Judy's turn to become like me sooner then expected....i hope so!!!!!!!" i told him then we heard Judith crying "shhh it's gonna be OKAY Judy, please don't cry!!!!!" i cooed softly to Judith making her calm down, "please don't go big sissy......" Judy said to me "i'm sorry Judith but i have to go there------cause if i don't go then i won't be seeing any of you guys again------besides they insisted that i have to go to the mansion, it's for the best way for all of you to live and me to see you guys again soon!!!!!!!!" i told her then sat down to give my little sister a quick goodbye hug and kiss on her forehead just before i had to leave: *10 hours later.....meaning i have just left my house already.....* "pfffffft how stupid it is that i have to visit my own family again on dumb weekends only, but it's just gonna take way too long to come......why can't it be like a freaking year or something?!?!" i said to myself very quietly and pretty soon i was having tears and sniffling *but as far as i was concerned-------i didn't dare bother to even try to wipe them away.....so i've decided to let each of them fall down & dry up instead......* "i don't even have to trust none of them that much......cause it's just going to slip out anyway......maybe do so at night-time?????" i said to myself but in question. while thinking about if i should break my promise tonight or wait------but i did not wanna wait for however long. "sorry mother, father, Judy & Carl but i'd rather choose to break this one promise------it may be my fault if i do this on accident.....but i hope you'll find whatever's deep inside of your hearts to forgive me!!!!!!!" i whispered quietly then i walked to a big stone and sat on it (end of the flash-back.) "It seems like 10 minutes or so ever since i left my home and moved to another one but full of killers.....i wish that Carl and Judy where here with me right now cause i miss them!!!!!!" i said to myself very nervously then i've started to break and had a full time melt-down right there. so that's when i met my boyfriend.

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