Part 14:

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Well so tonight and mean-while in the boring creepypasta mansion i was hanging out in my bedroom with Evans but i was feeling pretty off, and i didn't even know about it until i was about to fall asleep then i shrieked out very loudly in pain with both of my hands on my tummy "oh you want me to go & get Liu?????" Evans asked me nervously. but only getting back a nod as response from me. then she just sprinted out of my room *9 hours laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater LOL!!!!!!!* after waking up i noticed a small bundle in my embrace which was put in there when i passed out from before and i was tearing up and smiled "if you are wondering.....yeah it's a boy and his name is Drew!" Liu told me "oh my gosh, his so adorable!!!!!!!" i said then we had kissed each other like right in front of the others "yuppers also he kinda looks just like you------Steph!!!!!!!" Evans replied to me while she pointed out at my fiery-orange eyes. "but he also looks like his father too....." i said back to her which made all three of us burst out laughing then we saw none other then Liu's brother coming into my room & his jaw dropped as soon as he saw me giving Drew to Evans and seeing Liu giving him a sluggish grin: "brother.....i never even knew that you had a baby with Steph!" Jeff said to Liu in pure shock: "well now you do, but maybe Steph wouldn't mind letting you hold her son!!!!!!" Evans told him "but if you dare try to do anything stupid to Drew like give him those damn ugly scars.....then i will not hesitate to kill you and i also never have any regrets about what i do around here to idiots like you female dog Jeffrey!!!!!" i replied to him warningly "i would never do any of that......i swear!!!!!!!" Jeff said very terrified of me. then making his brother laugh. "hehe that's exactly what he gets for being a you-know-what......hilarious!!!!!!!!" Evans told us, but as soon as my poor son Drew got handed over to Jeff though, he started crying really hard & wouldn't stop just then Liu took him back he stopped: "awwww man he doesn't like me......" Jeff told us very upset "oh don't worry about it------his probably just scared right now------but he'll get used to it pretty soon.....hopefully!!!!!!" Evans told him but i didn't say anything so i just giggled and Liu just nodded "or maybe he won't get used to it.....but hey it happens for a reason. i probably wouldn't mind at all if Drew is actually scared of an idiotic uncle. no big deal!!!!!" i said then we heard Jeff gasping then he ran out of my bedroom while starting to cry; "good one Steph-------quite possibly cause my brother deserved it!!!!!!!!" Liu told me then all three of us bursted out laughing in sync *and so did our son.*

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