Chapter Seventeen: Future (Adrienette) - Part 1

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Photo credit: @/Taylordraws (Instagram and Tumblr)

🌸*Marinette's POV*🌸

As I finish the last touches of my new design, I hear my name being called from across the fashion room.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng, there is someone waiting to file a meeting with you at three in the afternoon." My assistant tells me, "Thank you Tessa", her name is Tessalyn but I feel like she is more of a best friend than an assistant to me. Using her full name sounds very formal in my opinion, so I decided to give her a cute nickname.

I've told her many times to call me Marinette and not by my last name but she insists it seems more professional.

Tessa was scrolling through album covers for our upcoming fashion show Paris event plaza, as I take out my last remaining gown to be worked on for the night.

"Who is it? I ask her, placing the final threading on my finished red and black silk dress.

"It says her name is..." she stops what she's doing to look at the small clipboard placed in the cupping of her arms trying to multitask.

"Alya Lahiffe" Wait, Alya got married? It could be a different Alya.

"Okay, please send her in." I smile placing my newly made dress on a mannequin to make sure it's the right size.

Minutes after Tessa left, someone knocks on my small office door revealing my best friend with a little girl with red locks cradled in her arms.

Alya walks up to me slowly, careful not to awaken the child in her arms.

"Wow, you and Nino just went to Australia three years ago... and this happened?" I ask pointing to the little kiddo she's holding.

I can't help but smirk, naughty kids.

"Well, I couldn't contact you because my phone broke a while ago but... We got married right away when we arrived, and once I found out I was pregnant with Emily" she pauses, "it just happened..." she finishes with a huge smile reaching her eyes.

She didn't need her glasses anymore after her last year of college, she looks beautiful with or without them anyways.

Her hair grew out to her hips over the years, it suits her very well. After some debating she decided she liked her long hair rather than her short and decided to keep it instead of cutting it off, plus Nino fancied her hair because it reminded him of when they first met. Now he has more hair to love, I guess.

"What are you doing" she laughs "Go get married, live your life... you're 27 years old for goodness sake!" she playfully nudges me with her elbow careful not to drop Emily.

"Besides, you got your childhood crush..." she smirks.

The little girl she's holding in her arms stretches her arms out wide before opening and revealing her golden-brown eyes that are mirror Nino's. Although her facial structures are extremely familiar to her mom's.

"So... What happened between you and your 'celebrity crush' she winks, "I heard something from the reporters while I was away"

I frowned remembering the news cast.

This is what actually happened. Just before Alya and Nino went to Australia, Adrien confessed his love for me. And of course, we became a couple soon. Things were great but soon after paparazzi were everywhere. I became a famous fashion designer, photoshoots began. I have a lot of haters and a lot of fans, everything was great. But it all ended one day.


I switched the TV on, I guess Adrien had another interview. He must have forgot to tell me. Wait, is that Lila? That's impossible she moved away a year ago! And why are they holding hands?

"So, Adrien... How do you feel about the breakup with the local designer Marinette Cheng?" the interviewer asks. What!? W-we didn't break up! We are still strong! Right?

"I definitely moved on from her by now, with the help of my new girlfriend, Lila" he sweetly smiles at the Liar, which brings a slight pink color to her cheeks.

"Looks like we're going to hear the wedding bells soon" the interviewer laughs.

It then comes to my attention the larger rock on her ring finger.

No, he wouldn't have done this to me. Would he?

"Say, could you kiss for the viewers?", what the hell? He's cheating on me? Before I can even understand what had just happened, his lips are on hers in a sweet and sensual kiss. He has his hand in her hair and everything.

They literally just kissed on a public show.

I turned off the TV and started to pack all my items in my suitcase I was saving for special occasions, I'm moving out. I hate him.

As soon as I finish calming down and packing I call my personal assistant to buy me a new condo. Suddenly the door opens revealing Adrien and Lila making out making their way to the sofa.

I sighed quietly before grabbing the flower vase and breaking the million-dollar television. Snapping both of their heads turned to mine with wide eyes.

"Marinette..." Adrien looked at me, I glared at him throwing the vase at his head before grabbing my things and walking out the door.

I quickly made my way to my car, throwing all my things in the backseat before I notice Adrien running after me. Good thing I flattened all his tires before he came home.

Tessa sends me directions to my new condo and I drive there.

I still hate him until now.


"Girl you spaced out for a while there" Alya says waving her hand in my face. I snapped back from my thoughts and back to reality.

"What's with the face?" she asks,

"What did you hear about our relationship?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You two got together!" she squeals happily, I guess she hasn't seen the interview.

"Anything else?" I ask, she thought for a second before shaking her head.

"Nope, after a year I haven't got anything from the news about you two. Even your fandom doesn't have any news to post. But I saw you deleted your Facebook?" she asks, strange... I guess she hasn't saw the video yet?

"MARINETTE!" someone shouted outside. Alya and I looked at the closed door in shock, a startled Emily starts crying in Alya's arms.

"You haven't filed any meeting! You cannot go in there without authorities!" I hear Tessa tell the voice that shouted my name.

Banging from the door was heard, Emily started to cry harder. Gripping on Alya's shirt. I could hear Tessa crashing around outside probably trying to prevent the voice from coming inside my office.

Wait, I recognize that voice...


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