Bite two

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A blood curdling scream rises in my throat and bursts from my mouth. The ever present, wailing of the evac alarm immediately grabs hold and swallows up the sound, destroying any hope I had of someone hearing me and rushing to my rescue.

The girls face is pale and is stuck in an expression of pure pain. Her lifeless eyes stare up at me full of accusations. I could have saved her. If only I hadn't hid in the classroom like a coward. I should have followed her out of the class instead of leaving her to fend for herself.

I shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts. What am I thinking? I couldn't have helped her. I'm just as small as her if not smaller. If I had followed her out, there's no doubt in my mind that I would be lying here next to her. The same expression of pain on my face, the same accusing eyes.

Her shirt, covering her stomach, has been ripped to shreds, as well as the skin underneath.

Bile rises in my throat as I take in the gruesome scene. Blood and guts coat the floor surrounding the girl from where they had been ripped from her body. Her once golden, blonde hair is now a matted, tangle of red. Her lifeless arms lay at her sides covered in blood from trying to hold her innards in place.

This is not a gunman. A gunman doesn't leave its victims like this. The person who did this wasn't crazy, he was deranged!

I sit stunned as her lukewarm blood begins to soak into the fabric of my jeans. "What the fuck is happening!" I whisper frozen in fear.

As the gravity of the situation finally takes root in my brain, the evac alarm suddenly stops leaving in its place the sound of nothingness. I slowly get up being careful not to slip in the large puddle of blood at my feet. Taking a few steps back, I quickly retrieve my book bag which was knocked from my shoulder in the fall and take out my cellphone. My eyes never leaving the body, I move several paces back and huddle in a corner before dialling 911. A couple of beeps later and a recorded message is playing in my ear. "All servers currently busy. Please wait for assistance."

My face screws up in confusion as I listen to the woman's voice on the other end of the line. "How can every single line be busy?!" I whisper yell in frustration.

Just then a sound coming from the direction I had just fled from captures my attention. My shoulders stiffen and my lips press into a tight line as I freeze in fear.

A slow, rhythmic squeaking sound echoes down the hall towards me, progressively getting closer. It's the sound of a shoe with rubber sole dragging against the linoleum floors. I struggle with the choice of calling out to the person in case it's just a fellow student like me. They sound like they're limping. What if they are injured?! 'But what if it's the psycho?!' My other half screams.

If I can save someone else from the same fate as that girl, surely it's worth the risk, I reason with myself.

Hesitantly I call out, "Hello? Is someone there?" The squeaking stops abruptly, dropping everything into sudden silence. My words are left hanging, unanswered. The air suddenly feels so thick I can barely breathe. My heart thrashes wildly in my chest. 'Run!' My subconscious screams at me. I ignore it and call out again, only a slight tremble in my voice. "I can help you if you're injured?"

My breath hitches in my throat as one long moan, ending in an almost animal like growl, echoes down the hallway. Then the squeaking starts again. This time however, coming a lot faster. They progress in the rhythm of a slow run as they head for the end of the hallway. Straight for me.


Sorry this chapters so short but trust me, they're going to get a lot longer. Please vote! It'd be greatly appreciated! Also it'd motivate me much more to write updates! Thanks guys! <3

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