Bite six

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Knowing that arguing isn't going to get us anywhere, I decide to be the bigger person and ignore his smart ass. I say this, but really it's just because I'm embarrassed and completely infuriated. This stupid, dimwit got me so riled up that I had to lie about having a boyfriend. If he catches me out on it, I'm never going to live it down. Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?!

"So you're just going to ignore me then?" His question interrupting my thoughts, the tone containing nothing but amusement. This only serves to infuriate me further.

I brush my hair out of my face, struggling to maintain my look of indifference towards him. I twiddle my bracelet between my thumb and forefinger. It's become a bit of a habit for me when I'm stressed. It's the sterling silver bracelet Sher gave me to, as she put it, proclaim our friendship. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at her then, but deep down I was secretly really grateful for it.

"You know a lack of communication will probably get us killed." He remarks, voice condescending. Noticing my further lack of response, he pulls out the big guns. "And if we were to both die because of your pettiness, nobody's going to be there for Sher..."

Shit. He managed to hit the one week spot in my resolve. Sher is my main priority right now. If not for myself, then I'll do it for her. "Hmph, fine. But only when it's absolutely necessary." I huff, grumpy that he made me relent.

I can almost see the smirk on his lips as he drawls. "Sure thing, sweetheart."

I roll my eyes and continue my slow, careful walk towards the dormitories, looking out everywhere for signs of anything living... or dead.

After exiting the janitors closet, I made the decision to head for the dorms since that's where I last saw Sher. Sleeping peacefully in her party dress from the night before, snuggled into her bright pink duvet. Hopefully she's still there.

Reaching the end of the last possible alleyway, I finally stop at the large, wide open space before me. The wide courtyard that separates the school buildings from the dorms stretches out before us. A space with next to no cover and at least fifty of those flesh eaters wandering about it. Shit.

I'm weaponless and he's only armed with a make shift staff that he probably doesn't even know what to do with. He made it by snapping the head off an old mop, from the janitors closet, leaving only a jagged end of wood. I think it's pretty fair to say that we're screwed if we even attempted to make it through there. We'd need at least some fire power to even have a chance.

"There's the dormitory building your sister and I stay in." I sigh out, weary from the stress of the past hour. I say this while pointing at the building nearest us and the plaza full of creatures. "But, judging by this scene, we're going to have to go around."

Before I can continue, I'm interrupted by him as he gruffly states no.

"What?" I whisper, confused?

"Are you deaf. I said no."

My face screws up in frustration. "Are you fucking kidding me? We'll be torn to pieces in seconds!" It takes all I've got to keep my voice at a whisper.

"No. We can make it." He replies, voice distracted as he gazes across the courtyard. The expression on his face is like he's examining an equation and trying to figure out the answer. After a couple short seconds, he nods firmly to himself seemingly reassured by his assessment of the situation. "Let's go." He says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me with him out of the cover.

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