Bite fifteen

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After everyone had eaten their fill, we all gathered in the sitting room and, for the first time, really shared our thoughts on the situation and our next move. We were all at odds with the last part of the discussion. In the end, this was everyone's opinions on the matter; Aiden wanted to depart for Asheville as soon as the sun was up. Sher wanted to stay at the farm permanently or at least until the food ran out and Eli and I seemed to be in agreement for once. We wanted to stay at the farm but only for a few days while we scout the area to see if the roads ahead are safe.

The kids, on the other hand, wanted to stay home and wait for their parents... They were adamant that their parents would return home but I'm not so sure. Apparently when everything started happening they saw it on the news and their mother, who was concerned about their father, went into Ashville to find him at work. But neither of them have been back... It's been two days.

This makes me even more unsure about the small city since we're going to be passing through the place two people didn't return from. It's probably fair to say that the city looks a lot like Charlotte right now. I don't have the heart to tell this to the kids however. Especially Jack. He's far too young for this shit.

Little Jack, sitting on his sisters lap, yawns before resting his head on his her shoulder and that's when I realise how long we've been sitting here. The room is all cast in deep shadow, the only light in the room coming from a small candle sitting on the coffee table. His yawn seems to be contagious because myself, as well as Sher, both follow in suit.

Gina seems to catch on and clears her throat awkwardly. "Oh uh well I guess y'all are tired huh? Um well the only spare beds we have are in the spare room and our parents room." When she mentions her parents her voice strains but she quickly gets ahold of herself.

I think, deep down, she knows her parents aren't coming back but she can't admit it to herself. I mean I get it. Admitting it to herself would mean admitting that the survival of her little brother would rest entirely on her shoulders. I wouldn't want that burden either.

"The spare room is the door just behind the stairs." She says, pointing out toward the large staircase in the foyer. "My parents room is at the end of the hall upstairs. You guys can figure out the sleeping arrangements." She says this raising her eyebrows at both the boys and then at Sher and I. Awkward.

After the two kids head upstairs, I glance around and my eyes lock onto Eli's. His gaze is intense and for some reason is weirdly unwavering from mine. Heat travels up my neck and a hot flush spreads over my body at even the thought of sharing a bed with Eli. One part of me screams, 'Yes! It's the end of the world! Be a hoe girl!' And the other is screaming, 'Holy fuck, fuck no!' In short, my mind, at this moment, basically consists of a shit ton of swearing.

The whole time these thoughts are traveling wildly through my mind, his eyes never leave mine and I'm ashamed to say, I could not for the life of me move mine either. His hair is really sexily disheveled and his black tee clings oh so nicely to his biceps. I squeeze my thighs together unintentionally. I realised what I had done too late. Fuck.

His eyes travel down to my legs and he smirks. He knows exactly what I was thinking about. Dammit stupid sex drive! I know I've kept you waiting but goddamn, not him!

I hate that I'm so attracted to this asshole! Why couldn't Sher have an ugly brother!

I'm ripped out of the heated stare off when a cold hand grips mine. It's Aiden. I forgot he was here for a second. Oops. 

He squeezes my palm and he's grinning from ear to ear. It's that grin that made me agree into going out with him. I used to think it was really attractive in a 'boy next door' sort of way. Now it looks cute at best. Now maybe if he had a sexy smirk like El... Oh god! I almost compared Aiden to Eli. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Should we take the spare room or upstairs?" Aiden says enthusiasticly. "Cause man I'm beat. All that driving tired me out."

I mean I'm not surprised he's assuming I'd share a room with him. We've done it plenty of other times. After a date we'd go to one of our dorms and make out and eventually end up falling asleep. It wasn't an unusual occurrence so why do I feel so weird about doing it now?

Before I can answer, Eli cuts in. "Wouldn't it be more appropriate if the girls shared a room? You know, since they're of the same sex and all." I study him as he stares intently at Aiden. His face is neutral but I can see the signs. His brow is twitching slightly and his jaw is tight. He's definitely clenching it. I saw this same face after he saved me and was pissed that I almost gave our position away. Is he angry?

Aiden shuffles a bit looking slightly annoyed at Eli's proposal. "Oh Brooke won't mind sharing with me. We do it all the time." Aiden's face turns cocky at that last sentence.

Eli's face contorts into one of barely contained rage and I cringe thinking about when I told him that I had sex often with my boyfriend. I didn't think I would ever see Aiden again so I thought the lie wouldn't matter that much. Do I regret that decision now? Yes, I really do.

"You don't mind sharing with your bro?" Aiden's eyes plead with Sher to agree with him.

Eli's fury turns onto her but she doesn't seem to notice. I'm surprised she doesn't even know her own brothers obvious giveaways. "Eh I don't mind. Go have fun kids." She says winking at me.

Eli seems to lose the cool expression because he whips around and stalks from the room. "Whatever. Do what you all want."

My eyes go wide. Woah. I didn't know me sleeping with Aiden would get his panties in such a twist. I know, as he put it, he wanted to "fuck" me but geez what's with that reaction?

Sher rolls her eyes and follows him out. "Night y'all!"

Aiden nudges me and laughs. "He's serious."

I just nod, picking at some invisible lint on my shirt. I'm feeling guilty, but why? I don't owe anyone an explanation, let alone Eli.

He takes my hand again and pulls me toward the spare room. "Guess were downstairs." He says as the last of Sher's footsteps fade up.

Gina shown above. (Actress: Katherine Newton)

Sorry for the super long wait guys. I've been sooooo busy! I don't even want to get into it. But I decided to put in the extra effort today to get another chapter out.

And also I got an extra bit of inspiration from a story I read today in which I got a shoutout in! It's a twd fanfic and it's amazing! If you like this book and love zombies then definitely check it out! It's called, 'Prey' and it's from daryldixons_breath I am totally obsessed!

Like, comment guyssss! <3

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