Bite eleven

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Ow! I jump with annoyance at having been awoken. It was such a good sleep too! The dream was fucking weird though... Something about people turning into cannibals and a lot of near death experiences. It had a rather nice end now that I think about it... My cheeks heat as I recall the intense moment with the hot man in the shower. Why did my dream self run away?! The nightmare was finally getting interesting! I mean, it would've only been dream sex? It's not like it was real life or anything?

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. You've been asleep almost sixteen hours now." The irritated voice of an eerily familiar sounding voice fills the room. I clench my eyes tightly shut willing for it to not be true.

"Eli don't be a dick. From what you've told me, she's been through a lot." Sher's voice scolds from my right.

With her comment my worst fear is confirmed. Oh fuck. Yesterday actually happened. Kill. Me. Now.

The tapping on my forehead that originally woke me up happens again. "Hey are you dead or something? Open your eyes already." Being the stubborn person that I am, I refuse to obey his command and instead keep my eyes firmly shut.

I hear Sher giggle from my childishness and I can almost see the scowl on Eli's face at being ignored. "Hmmm, I guess I'll eat this candy bar myself then..." He makes the mistake of trying to walk away from me with candy in his possession and before he can even finish his first step, I'm up out of bed and wrenching the chocolatey goodness from his unworthy hands. By this point Sher is doing her deep-bellied, snorting laugh she does when she finds something super hilarious, but I'm too busy too care as I stuff my face with the first piece of food I've had in basically twenty-four hours.

"Mmmm." I groan out, soaking up the sugary goodness. When my eyes reopen after finishing that first blissful bite, I realise I'm still standing right in front of Eli and his eyes are burning with intensity as he stares at my lips. Suddenly the food in my mouth feels awfully hard to swallow and once I do, it comes out sounding more like a scared gulp. I quickly step back tucking myself back into my blankets before Sher notices our closeness.

A second later she sits up, wiping her tears of laughter from her eyes, she skips over. The bed shakes violently as she flops down on it, tackling me over. "Thank you for not leaving me behind." She whispers, voice turning sincere.

My eyes pool at her touching words. "Of course! I would never leave without you!" I manage to choke out through my avalanche of sudden emotions.

"Okay enough with the sappy stuff." Eli drawls sarcastically, ruining our bestfriends moment. What a dick.

"Time to make a plan. It's been nice sleeping on the floor of a dorm room and all but unfortunately we can't stay here forever."

Sher noticeably stiffens against me at his words. "Why not? It's safe here... Shouldn't we stay and wait for help to come..?"

Eli's already shaking his head before she can finish her sentence. "Yes, this one building is relatively safe for now and it wouldn't be a bad spot to hole up for a while, but as you guys probably know, there's no food in this building except for a couple of vending machines and..." He continues, pointing to a pile of goodies on the end of Sher's bed. "...As you can see I've already raided those. The stuff there definitely won't last us long. Besides..." His voice turns grave. "...There's no guarantee that help will come. If it was going to come, I think it would have been here by now."

I decide now would be a good time to contribute my two cents into the conversation. "Then can't we just go scavenge for food from nearby stores and then come back?"

Again he shakes his head. "It's too risky. The campus, as well as, the city is overrun. When I was driving towards the campus yesterday, the city was already in chaos. I can only imagine what it's like now." He says, eyes turning glassy.

"So what should we do?" Sher says in a small voice.

Eli runs his fingers through his hair several times. A habit, I've come to notice, he only does when he's deep in thought. "Mom rang me, before everything really blew up, saying her and dad were being evacuated out of the city by the military. I think our best chance would be to do something similar. Gather whatever supplies and weapons we can get our hands on, find a car and get out of the city. The more rural location we head for, the better. Less population means less of the..." He stutters, probably confused at what he should call them.

"Biters." I state casually. They both look at me in confusion. I roll my eyes and quickly explain. I hate explaining things! "Biters is what we should call them cause... you know... they uh bite?" I trail off awkwardly. All is silent as they consider it.

"Okay, less population means less of the biters..." Eli continues with his thoughts on a plan.

I dwell on his suggestion for a while and try and think of alternatives. In the end, however, I can't think of any that sound better than his. "Okay. I think we should go with that. Sher?" I ask, also wanting her opinion.

After a moment, she nods. "I think so too."

Eli subtly checks out the clock on the wall above us before speaking. "So, its seven o'clock now. I don't think we should let the day light escape us, so leaving as soon as possible would probably be the best idea."

Sher and I nod in agreement.

"Let's begin with gathering supplies. We'll take a couple of rooms each and search for anything that might be useful. " He says this and is already half way out the door.

My stomach rumbles audibly. Yeeeaaahh. That chocolate bar was nowhere near enough for my fat ass. "Before I do anything, I'm eating." I state in a no arguments tone before leaping off the mattress and basically landing right on top of the food pile. I spot a packet of Doritos and almost salivate at the packet alone. I love me some Doritos!


Sorry for the shitty chapter. It was a filler. The next one will be better, I promise! <3

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