Bite twenty

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*DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ* So basically it's the same as the last disclaimer. Do not read if you're not comfortable with comments about rape/murder, as well as, a shit ton of cussing etc.. I don't want to get hate about how some people are offended by it. I warned y'all and it is all fiction! Do not come for me! Rant over*

Eli POV:

I struggle with my binds, the duct tape cutting the circulation off at my wrists. Camo Jacket, or as I've nicknamed him, 'disgusting, rapist cocksucker', sits on a chair across from me casually picking the dirt from his nails. Aidens still unconscious body sits slumped awkwardly in his chair and the purple tinge of his duck taped hands don't look too good from my angle. I briefly wonder if lack of circulation for prolonged periods can cause death? The younger one, I recently found out was named Indi, tied my binds. I don't know if he made them looser than Cocksucker made Aidens on purpose but, either way, I'm thankful. If I flex my wrists enough, I might just be able to slip my wrists from these constraints. He was called up by the one in charge not long ago which works out better for me. One less man to kill down here.

The dining room is open to the entryway and the stairs but I still can't hear much from upstairs. It kills me as I imagine all of the fucked up shit that might be going on above me while I'm just fucking sitting here. I swear, if any of those mother fuckers lay a finger on any of those girls, I will fucking end them. No, scratch that, even if they haven't they're fucking dead.

I strain my ears and catch the faintest sound of a muted child's cry. Cocksucker doesn't bat an eyelid from those dirty nails as screaming comes from overhead.

The screams intensity and with renewed adrenaline, I continue straining my wrists against the weakening tape.

A louder, deeper scream reverberates throughout the house, making my blood turn hot with rage. "Do you want to die bitch!?"
I clearly recognise the sound of Brooklyn's voice as her agonised curses follow soon after the leaders words.

I feel as if I'm about to burst a vein, my anger so intense. "Stop them! They're fucking hurting her! Are you even human?!"
He just snickers in reply, too heartless for even a look of guilt.

I throw myself back and forward tearing my wrists away from each other. I can feel the sharp tape cutting into my skin to the point where blood may be drawn. "Brooklyn! Brooklyn! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Cocksucker, again, doesn't show any sign of emotion. He's like a robot only programmed to give a fuck about his nails.

I can feel the tape beginning to give way and I know that I could escape it given a few more minutes, but I don't have the luxury of time. Brooklyn is in pain now, she's struggling now, she needs me now.

All is silent upstairs suddenly and my chest wrenches at what that has to mean. Brooklyn is either seriously hurt or has been overpowered. Even Jacks hiccuping sobs have ceased.

Suddenly boots bound down the stairway, two at a time, the persons fast pace even gaining the attention of Cocksucker over here. Suddenly, Indi comes into sight looking panicked. "Boss said he needs your help upstairs! Those bitches are fighting back!"

Faster than I've seen him move since their group arrived, Cocksucker jumps at the kids words. Suddenly, the kid gives me a weird look. Like an intense gaze of some sorts. Is that nervousness in his eyes..?

As camo jac- I mean - Cocksucker, turns his back on the three of us, the kid, displaying surprising strength, slams the hilt of his rifle against the back of the rapists head.

I sit stunned as the kid repeatedly brings the hilt down again and again on the guys unconscious body. I guess to ensure he doesn't wake up...

I don't dare move as I wait for the kid to make his next move. Does this mean he's on our side now or what? He just turned on his own group so that would be the obvious conclusion. Either that or he's just completely unstable.
Answering the question for me is Gina as she runs down the steps, Jack holding her hand. She whispers a quick thank you to the kid named Indigo and rushes towards the kitchen. I watch the kid warily as Gina returns with a knife before sawing at the thick layers of tape around my wrists. He stands stoic and still, gazing at the lifeless body below him. His hands tremble slightly and I make a note that he's never killed before now. Well neither have I if you don't count the dead ones but that's going to soon change, I think as my mind returns to the other two men upstairs.

The duct tape snaps after a few seconds of vigorous sawing and I'm up in an instant. "I quickly retrieve the hand gun from the waistband of the dead guy and am running upstairs. I don't expect the kid to help me any further. As far as I'm concerned, I already owe him a life times worth of debts. And as for Aiden, he's still fast asleep of course.

Before running up, however, I quickly instruct Gina on what she is to do. "Grab the shotgun from wherever you've hidden it and all the bullets you have. Go wherever Indigo tells you to go. He'll keep you and jack safe. Won't you?" I aim the question at the kid.
The kid doesn't hesitate before nodding and my respect for him grows further still.

I sprint the rest of the way up the stairs and down the hall, heart racing thinking about all of the time that has passed since the screaming stopped. It hasn't been too much longer than a couple of minutes but, nonetheless, my mind reminds me of all the terrible shit that can occur within a brief moment.

I reach the door at the end of the hall and throw it open, the wall plaster cracking at the impact.

The first thing I hear is Sher screaming for help as the man with the long beard squeezes her chin between his bony fingers. His hands are wandering over her body, in the early stages of removing her clothing. I don't hesitate before aiming the handgun, just like I've done many times before at military school. This time however, when I shoot at my target, the bullets don't shatter through thin cardboard targets. Instead they bury themselves in flesh and blood.

I fire off four shots, until skinny guy goes down and can no longer have any potential to hurt my sister.

As soon as I know Sher is safe I refocus my attention to the bed on the other side of the room. Brute, after hearing the shots, hurriedly moves off of Brooklyn's unconscious body. The sight off her bruised, bloody and partially undressed leaves me momentarily shocked. The shock immediately transitions into rage as I take in the scene. Look at what he's done to her! My rage reaches never experienced heights as I think about what he was about to do to her. I am going to fucking slit his throat!

I recover quickly from my murderous thoughts as brute charges at me, probably realising that he has no time to get to his gun. I aim and fire. I get off two shots before I'm tackled too the ground. One shot hitting him in the shoulder, the other in his arm. His grunts of pain are satisfying as I see red start to make patches on the fabric of his clothes.

He clutches my bloody wrist in his vice hold grip, the gun becoming useless in my constricted hand. His knuckles make contact with my face twice but his punches are weak as my bullets have caught his right arm.

I flick my head, head butting his already broken nose causing him to lose his grip on me. I take advantage, digging my fingers into the open wounds and relish in his screams of agony.

That's what you deserve you rapist pig. These men cannot even be called men. They are worse than the dead. The dead had no choice but to be the way they are. Them, on the other hand... They are filth. They should all be wiped out.

With a firm flick of my wrist, I yank my right hand from his faltering grip and shoot him point blank in the head. His brawny body collapses on top of me, hot blood splattering on my cheeks. Happiness instantly floods my entire mind, giving me one of the purest forms of joy I have ever experienced. The brief thought of 'Am I a psychopath?' runs through my head. Is killing a person supposed to make me this happy?

I disregard my thoughts, my lungs feeling as if they're about to burst. The weight of the big guys body actually winding me.

Sher is immediately by my side helping me get the guy off of me. She throws herself in my arms, crying softly and I finally allow my cemented grip on the guns handle to loosen.

Thank god.

They're safe.


Fastest update for a while. Stayed up super late to get this done for y'all. You're welcome.

Make sure to vote and comment for more as you know your guys support for this book is what keeps me writing.

Also because I stayed up late, none of this is edited so forgive any spelling mistakes.

Thanks heaps <3

P.s. Pic two of Sher in the headerrrrr

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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