Bite sixteen

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The room is nice. Four poster bed, white furry rug and even an ensuite. I want to take a shower but there's no hot water. The kids said that their generator has no fuel left so that means everyone is using candles for light and bathing in ice cold water. But hey I'm not complaining, at least we're not sleeping on the side of the road.

I'll probably get a cold if I attempt a shower right now so instead I opt for a sponge bath. I fill the sink with water and find a cloth, before getting to work, cleaning the 'essential areas.' I make sure the bathroom door is locked before taking off my shirt and sweatpants. My ankle is still a bit tender from my jumping stunt earlier so I make sure to not put too much weight on it. Funny how that was only this morning but it feels like it's been weeks.

I leave my underwear off and only put my shirt and sweatpants back on seeing as they're not that dirty. I'll save my clothes in my pack for tomorrow. I dig around in the cupboard beneath the sink hoping for a spare toothbrush as I forgot to grab my own in our hurry.

After a few minutes I finally give up and just squirt some toothpaste on my finger, doing the best I can with that. Finally, to stall just a little while longer, I comb my hair with a small men's brush that was stowed at the back of the cupboard.

My tanned fingers grip the tiny brush, tugging harshly. I wince as each knot is untangled, bit by bit. Eventually my brown hair is completely knot-free and I cannot explain how refreshed I feel. Glancing in the mirror however, tells a completely different story.

My almond shaped eyes are rimmed with black and purple like I've been punched on both. My skin is pale compared to its usual caramel glow and my skin is in need of some serious moisturisation. I don't even want to think about what I must have looked like before I brushed the birds nest I called hair. Uggh, I shudder at the thought. How do those two idiots even find me attractive?

I know Aiden's out there waiting for me but I'm nervous. I don't know if I can be the same around him anymore. I feel like he expects more from me now. More than a make out session every now and again. But I don't know if I can do that. I want passion, no regrets and all that cringy ass shit.

Being with Aiden is nice and he's super sweet and he's been so patient with me... I always tell myself, yes he's the one. But then I always have second guesses. I don't want to have any second guesses.

I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself, and unlock the door. Walking into the room I see Aiden's made himself very comfortable. He's laying on the bed, bare chested, in nothing but pyjama bottoms. I can't say it's not a nice sight. Aiden's super attractive in his own way, but I'm starting to think I'm more attracted to the 'tall, dark and handsome' type, if you catch my drift.

"Borrowed some pjs from Terry. Turns out we're the same size." Aiden begins, sitting up happily.

I allow a smile to ease onto my face. Another good thing about Aiden is that he always knows how to break the ice. "And who exactly is Terry?" I reply, playing along.

He pats the bed next to him and I purse my lips as if contemplating.

"Oh come on! Don't do me dirty like that. Come sit down babe?" He says with a fake pleading look on his face. I love playful Aiden. He always puts my anxiety to rest.

I relent and climb up onto the bed beside him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him until I'm nestled right against his side. I tense up a little but the feeling is so familiar and reminds me so much of before all the fucked up shit happened, I can't help but let myself have this moment. I relax into his embrace and lay my head on his shoulder, revelling in the normalcy.

"So I believe you owe me an explanation. Terry?" I remind him, a playful smile tugging at my lips.

"Oh yeah. Well, Terry is the man of the house. Except!" Aiden exclaims, pointing a finger in the air. "Gina just calls him 'Dad' so I made my own name up for him since it'd be kinda weird if I called him Dad too, you know?"

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