Bite five

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Weaving our way throughout the small alleys, all the while trying to stay away from the hordes around campus, we finally come across an ajar emergency exit door. After making sure the room it leads to is secure and void of flesh eaters, we enter.

The room is small. I don't mean small as in a small classroom, I mean small as in it's basically a closet. Which probably isn't too far from the truth, I realise, as I spot all of the cleaning gear and tools scattered about the place. A janitors closet. Really?

I suddenly realise how close I am to the giant stranger when he shuffles to the side a bit looking very cramped. I almost burst out laughing at the comical position he's in. He towers above the shelfs lined with cleaning fluid and his head almost touches the roof! Oh no... I can feel the beginnings of the hysterical laughter coming on.

How I can find anything funny at the moment is beyond me. The stress of the past half an hour must finally be catching up with me.

Feral groaning outside the door immediately puts an end to my sudden bout of giggles. We both freeze as the groans draw closer until they're right outside the exit. We lock eyes willing each other to not make a sound. It's a bit hard, however, when the sight of his lips silently mouthing 'shhhh' are enough to make my legs quiver with weakness. I'm so screwed, I think as I wage an inner war with my stupid, overactive hormones.

The groaning passes by, seemingly oblivious to us standing on the other side of the wall. After waiting another minute just to make sure, I allow a huge breath of pent up air out. Finally I can breathe, I think in exasperation.

"So..." He begins shuffling awkwardly in the tiny space. "We'll start with our names I guess. Mine's Eli." He stares at me with an expectant look as he finishes.

"Oh yeah, I'm Brooklyn but I prefer to be called Brook so.." I'm cut off mid sentence when he steps closer to me, and in this little space, close means only centimetres apart. My breath hitches in my throat as his hand skims mine and his calloused fingers wrap around my own.

"Nice to meet you, Brooklyn." He states casually while shaking my hand.

A hot flush makes quick work of crawling up my neck. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Of course he was going for a handshake. Why would he randomly hold your hand you fool?! I mentally scream at myself for being so naive.

I quickly disguise my embarrassment with anger. I wrench my hand from his grasp and take as far a step back as the tiny room will allow. "I told you I prefer to be called Brook."

A small, knowing smirk lines his lips like he knows exactly what's going through my mind. I mentally face palm myself. Of course he knows! I've been literally drooling over him since we met. Ugh!

He steps forward again trapping me against the wall. Once again I curse this small ass room. Arm above my head, he leans down until we're eye level. "Why? Brooklyn is a much more beautiful name."

His eyes study me intensely and the self conscious side of me rears its head causing me to become extremely aware of my blood soaked clothes and tangled hair. He seems not to notice, however, as a small smile pulls at the corners of his full lips.

My heart lurches and I'm sure he can hear its frantic racing. His eyes flicker down to my lips then back up to my eyes. "Besides..." He says, voice barely above a whisper. "Do you know how many girls I have fucked named Brook. I haven't had one Brooklyn."

Just like that I'm snapped back to reality. Guys like him are all the same. Hot, sexy, but ultimately pricks. Gathering my self control, as well as my self respect, I shove my way out of his grasp. "You may have fucked all the Brooks in the entire city but you will never fuck a Brooklyn." I state confidently, a sickly sweet smile overtaking my features. No matter how drop dead sexy. I will not become another of his conquests!

His cocky smirk disappears from his face and is instead replaced with a genuine expression of interest. "Is that a challenge?" He asks, eyes glinting with intrigue.

I laugh meeting his confident gaze with one of my own, just as confident, stares. I'm nowhere near on his level of attractiveness but I know I'm not ugly and that fuels my ego. "No, it's a fact." I reply smugly.

He's about to speak when I get an idea. I hold up a finger silencing him. His full attention is on me and I can't lie, having the power feels great. Especially over someone who's used to being in control of everyone he comes across. "Besides.." I chirp happily. "I don't need you for that. My boyfriend would do it happily."

This is only partly a lie. He's not my boyfriend officially but we've been on several dates and he's made it clear that he'd like to be. So, all in all, it's not too far from the truth, I convince myself. Apart from the having sex part. I'm a virgin... Oh well, it's not like he'll ever catch me out on my lie.

His face contracts in surprise. I mentally high five myself at his stupid expression. I really caught him off guard, didn't I? That 'kinda lie' was the best decision I may have ever made!

I openly wear my victory smile allowing myself to gloat for a few seconds. Ah! Sweet victory! I think to myself, basking in the glory.

Finally, after a few happy seconds, I decide it's time to get back to business. I finally ask the question I probably should have asked when I first agreed to this deal. "So, who's your sister?"

This immediately slaps him out of his loser sulking as his face contorts into one of guilt at being sidetracked. "Her names Sheridan. Sheridan Parker."

My smug smile disappears just as soon as it came. Sheridan. Sheridan as in my best friend...

Suddenly everything clicks together and I feel like an even bigger idiot then before. Sheridan talks about he brother all the time! Elijah this. Elijah that. I can't believe I didn't realise straight away. A brother looking for his sister who lives on campus and the brother also happens to be named Eli! Man I really am dumb.

"I know her." I state, still in shock from the mountain of dots that just connected in my brain.

His eyes light up at this. "You do?!"

I take a deep breath as a headache starts to settle in. If we find Sheridan our working with each other is not going to end there like we originally thought. We will be stuck together, neither one of us willing to leave Sher. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I take my time replying which I can tell is making his temper flare. "Yes, I know her. She's my best friend." I sigh in defeat.

His face screws up in confusion and then a look of realisation suddenly dawns upon it, just like mine did a few seconds earlier. "You're Brookie? The best friend she always talks about every time she comes home to visit?"

I roll my eyes at the nickname she gave me when we met in our dorm room on the first day of school. "Yup. I'm Brookie." I reply sarcastically, putting emphasis on the 'Brookie.'

We both stare at each other as the realisation that, we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other from now on, sinks in. His eyes transform into a look of deviousness. I can almost see the plans he's forming in his head.

I stomp in frustration before spitting the first words that come to my head. "Oh , fuck me!"

His smirk turns malicious. "Gladly."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry there's not a lot of zombie action in this one but I promise, it's coming.

Vote, comment, leave feedback or ask questions. I love to hear from everyone.

Also, picture of Brooklyn at the top of page. Based on Alycia Clarke from the amc tv series, 'Fear The Walking Dead.'

Thanks guys! <3

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