Bite eight

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"Sher! Sheridan!!" I scream out, not even bothering to keep my voice hushed. I kick and claw at the locked door, desperately trying to get it to fucking open. "Sher! Open the door!"

I stop and listen intently when her faint voice replies. "I can't, I'm trapped in the closet. There's something in the room trying to kill me!" Her voice cracks at the last octave. "Please get help Brooke!"

I almost faint with the relief her sentence provides. She's safe and, by the sound of it, relatively unhurt. Although, it's still a bit too early to go into full celebration mode. There's still the matter of the flesh eater between the two of us. My stomach clenches with worry. There's still so much that can go wrong.

Wait, she told me to go get help. Oh no... I think to myself, my brain pounding from all the stress of this day. She has no idea that the thing in our room isn't one crazy person, its the whole campus, if not the whole city. How am supposed to break it to her? How am I supposed to tell her that most of her friends are, probably, either dead or crazy, human-eating monsters?

I can hear the beast growling and banging on the closet door now, its attention having been attracted to her. I can hear her frightened whimpers through the door. "I thought I heard my brothers voice. Is Eli there?" She asks, desperation lacing her words.

At this, Eli's eyes snap to attention erasing the worry lines and the look of deep thought from his features. He clears his throat. "I'm here Sheri." He says, voice soft with compassion.

A small choked sob is all we get in reply. Eli smiles a sad smile and rests his forehead against the door. "Sheri, I want to get you out of there okay, but you're going to have to listen and do exactly what I say. Do you understand?"

My heart jumps at seeing this softer side of him. It's so sweet and compassionate. So different from the side of him I've seen. I quickly reprimand myself, however, as I remember the complete douche this guy is. I can't let my guard down one little bit around him. He'll see my weakness and latch on like the little leech he is. I smile to myself as I feel my resolve strengthening.

A couple more sniffles later and a weak 'okay' is answered.

The beast, attracted to Eli's louder, deeper voice, comes to our side of the room and begins throttling the door again. Rather than jumping back like usual, instead we both stay where we are, unaffected. We've both realised by now that, although really strong, they're no smarter than bugs really. Therefore, opening doors is not something they seem to know how to do. If they did, we'd all be royally screwed by now.

Eli nods with satisfaction at Sher's answer before cooly giving her the instructions. I stare at him in wonder. While I was off having a freak out trying to claw my way through the door, Eli was thinking and forming a plan. Sher's so lucky she has someone like him looking out for her. No wonder she's always bragging about how great he is. She's right.

I mentally slap myself in the face at my thoughts. Uugghh!! Why is it so hard to stay mad at him!!

"Okay Sheridan, do exactly as I say." He begins voice hardening. "Is there anything with you that you can use as a weapon? Something sharp or heavy?"

We hear some rummaging around behind the growls of the creature and then a frustrated cry. "There's just clothes and coat hangers!" I can hear the desperation in her voice.

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