Bite eighteen

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*DISCLAIMER, PLEASE READ* Lots if violence and swearing ahead. You have been warned.

P.s.  *This chapter occurs in the 5 minutes before the last chapter from Brooke's POV. Sorry for any confusion*

Eli's POV:
Shit! That gun would be so handy right now. I should've asked Gina where she had hidden it, then maybe I'd have some type of chance to take on these drunk idiots.

Four total. All white. Three in late thirties to early forties. One no more than twenty. All thin, except for the eldest man. He's in between fat and brawny. Not someone you want to fight, especially with three other guys in the mix.
I mentally asses each guy, my military school training coming to the forefront of my mind. At least it's coming in handy now. It used to piss me off that I had wasted all of my teenage years training to join the military when I could have been studying like my parents had told me to. I'm selfish sometimes but at least I came to my senses. Plus, I didn't know it then but the skills I learned there would come in handy eventually. I just had to wait for the zombie-fucking-apocalypse to happen. Hopefully it'll help me take on these four armed men without getting killed.
Don't get ahead of yourself Eli, you need to figure out if they're even dangerous first.

With that thought, I peak out a little further around the corner of the house, to get a better look. My crouched position doesn't benefit me in the way of a good view but it's offering me more obscurity and that, to me, is more important. Not getting caught is how I'm going to overcome this situation.

One guy shoots another shot at the chicken coop and howls that he got another one. He yanks harshly on his long beard laughing heartily, while stumbling around very obviously drunk. "What 'bout some KFC boys?!" Long beard slurs out.
Their cheeks all go red with laughter as they holler back and forth.
The youngest guy is more sober than the rest. The look of awareness he has in his eyes is far greater than the rest of the men... which might make him more dangerous. You can tell by his stance that he is on guard still even though he is acting like he is as drunk as the rest of them. Smart kid. He needs to be watched.

Judging by the noise they're making, I'm guessing the idiots think no ones home. That or they're just too drunk to care. Either way it's better for us. All of their careless shooting at chickens gave us the advantage of knowing they're here before they know we are.


I spin around and have Aiden in a chokehold before my mind has even registered who it is. I immediately loosen my grip and Aiden shoves his way out of my arms.

"What the fuck man?! Chill out." Aiden bursts out, before I shove my palm over his mouth.

This guys loud mouth is going to get us both fucking caught. He fights my hold and I have to literally make a shushing gesture with my finger and mouth to get him to shut the fuck up. It was just like the time I found Brooklyn in the ally. These two really have spent too much damn time together. I stop that thought there as it just pisses me off more.
"You need to shut your fucking mouth before you get us killed." I whisper as quietly as I can, making sure he can see the seriousness in my eyes. "Got it?!"

I see understanding dawn in those normally listless eyes of his. I slowly remove my palm and move back to my crouching position at the houses corner praying that they did not hear anything. I motion for Aiden to stay where he is when I see him make a move to come closer.

Taking a deep breath, I, as silently as possible, edge just the corner of my eye around too look. My frantic heart speeds up even more when I see them all staring my way. Fuckkkkkkk!!!

"Hey boy, we see you over there." The voice of, what I recognise as, the oldest one of the group shouts out. "These your chickens we shootin' at?" He lets out a little laugh, his buddies following along. "We're sorry, we didn't realise anyone was still residing. Thought everyone'd be evacuated by now, didn't we boys?"
Grunts of agreement quickly follow the older guys question.

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